Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1662: The little girl who sells bombs 4

Otherwise, you really have to sleep under the overpass.

Xia Weibao shrugged, "I'm not afraid of where I sleep."

"Do you have a place to live?"

Xia Weibao pointed his backhand. In a luxury car behind him, Lu Hualiang was coming down from above, about to enter the most luxurious and expensive hotel in T City.

"I can go and climb his bed."

Xia Chuyan, "..."

"Go, it's a foul to take refuge in Mr. Summer."

Xia Weibao refused to accept, "How can it be considered a foul? The rule is to survive for a month on oneself, not on previous interpersonal relationships.

I confuse Summer by my beauty, so I can't do it anymore. "

This is a great skill, okay, let others try to seduce one and see who can do it.

Xia Chuyan, "..."

She said so reasonable, she was speechless.

Lu Hualiang glanced in her direction, then walked over.

Since the scandal came out, everyone knows that they have a leg, and the two are no longer so shy.

The kissing videos have been filmed, and it’s too fake to deny that it’s okay.

"What's in the box?" Lu Hualiang asked.


Lu Hualiang's eyes twitched. For some reason, when he heard the word dynamite, his first thought was not whether she could sell it.

But can this box of explosives be kept?

Are you sure it won't be demolished by her.

As if guessing what he was thinking, the empress squinted her eyes, "Am I the kind of sabotage, these are my dinner and accommodation today."

"You can't sell it."

Explosives are sold on the street. Who dares to buy it, how can it be sold.

"If I can sell it." Xia Weibao seemed to smile.

"You can't sell it through legitimate channels. Don't think about the underground black market. T city is a tourist city with countless migrants every day, and the security control is very strict."


Lu Hualiang came in interest, "What do you want to bet on."

"If I can sell these explosives..." Xia Weibao suddenly approached his ear and lowered his voice, "You are not allowed to touch me for half a year."

Lu Hualiang stood up suddenly, "I'm leaving now."

Xia Weibao, "..."

"Sister Wu, what did you say to Mr. Summer?" Xia Chuyan asked.

"Nothing, set up a stall."

I found a place that is slightly biased but has some traffic.

Xia Weibao laid out all the explosives, and the pedestrians who passed by saw someone selling explosives on the street, so they looked curiously.

But no one dared to buy it.

Some kind people reminded, "Little sister, selling explosives is illegal. No one dares to buy it with you, so let's do some serious business."

The empress cleared her throat, "Uncle, you are a good-hearted person at first glance. Let me tell you a story."

"what story."

"There used to be a little match girl. She was very pitiful. She squatted on a street corner and sold matches. She didn't sell them all night. It was a big winter and it was very cold.

She was too cold, so she lit a match, and then she saw her grandmother. "

"Isn't this "The Little Match Girl", we all have heard of it."

Xia Weibao nodded, "Yes, it's "The Little Match Girl". Now, I will tell you a "Little Girl Selling Bomb".

Once upon a time, there was a little girl selling bombs. She was selling bombs on the street, but she couldn’t sell any of them. However, she was so hungry that she lit a bomb. As a result, everyone in the street came to heaven and saw it. Their grandmother. "

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