Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1664: Empress has entered the police station again 1

"Sister Wu, why are you taking pictures."

Seeing Xia Weibao taking pictures of those who bought the bombs with her mobile phone, Xia Chuyan was puzzled.

Xia Weibao turned his head and smiled, "It's nothing, I'm afraid they will hide it privately and take it."

The bomb cannot be left out, otherwise it will really lead to tragedy.

After the filming, Xia Weibao took Xia Chuyan to the police station before the nine people, and then reported them.

Received one hundred thousand bounty in the police station.

Coming out of the police station, Xia Chuyan blushed, she couldn't help but her face was too thin.

"Fifth Sister, how are we really doing this?"

Obviously they sold the bombs to those people, but now they are turning the army back. This kind of thing is really shameful.

Xia Weibao shrugged, "What's wrong, do you want those bombs to flow out and then use them to harm people?"

"How is it possible that they will take the bomb to the police station themselves."

"Since they will take it over sooner or later, if I report it or not, what will be the impact? Everyone knows this matter. The police will naturally ask the situation and those people will not be affected.

We can take another 100,000 yuan, so why not do it. "

Xia Chuyan opened her mouth, suddenly she didn't know what to say.

It was indeed insignificant, but the two of them scammed one hundred thousand yuan from the police station.

"Sister Wu, you are so shameless."

Xia Weibao smiled, "I learned it from Summer."

"Nonsense, Summer doesn't know how an honest gentleman could do such a shameless thing."


As soon as I heard these four words, the empress empress was not calm, that beast, how like a gentleman! ! !

I sold 900,000 bombs, and now I got another 100,000 bonus, a total of 1 million.

Enough for the two of them to splurge casually.

"Unexpectedly, the second round of the election was so simple, there was no challenge at all."

Xia Weibao happily went to find the best hotel to live in, which was the one Lu Hualiang had just checked in.

Xia Chuyan is very, very speechless. It's not that this level is easy to pass, but you are too thick-skinned.

"What?! Xia Weibao's bombs have all been sold, and one hundred thousand of them?!"

Xia Yongxuan, who was setting up a stall selling motherwort, suddenly raised her voice.

how is this possible!

Xia Guo strictly prohibited selling arms privately, so she moved her hands and feet and threw a box of bombs to Xia Weibao, so that she would not dare to sell it.

How could it be sold out in less than an hour!

And it's still expensive!

Xia Yongtong suffocated, "Who knows what luck she has taken, now it's alright, she has so much money, eats and drinks well, but we have to brazenly set up a street stall here, it is really unfair."

"How did she sell it."

"How do I know? I heard from other people that Xia Weibao told a story to those customers and then sold it, eldest sister, or let us follow Xia Weibao's storytelling, maybe everyone listened happily. I just bought it."

Xia Yongxuan was furious, "What story did she tell."

A story can sell a bomb for 100,000 yuan. Is Nima sure that he is joking?

""The Little Match Girl."

Xia Yongxuan was stunned, "That's it?"


Xia Yongxuan, "..."

She can no longer manage the world.

Xia Yongtong kicked the gift box next to her with incomprehension, "It's more than that. After I heard that she sold the bomb, she went to the police station to report those customers and took a 100,000 bonus."

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