Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1667: Empress has entered the police station again 4

"What age is it now, and it's still gated."

Xia Weibaoli ignored him, just about to take a bath, suddenly thinking of something, rushed to the bedside excitedly.

"Husband husband, what exactly does Yanxia Group do."

Lu Hualiang stopped his work and looked up at her, "Are you interested? Wife, do you want to control my financial power."

"Who is interested in your property, I want to ask, do you know a killer."

"You want to kill." Almost all of his men are killers.

"Look at what you said, I'm so gentle and kind, how can I kill people? I just want to ask, has any killer been tasked to kill me recently?"

Lu Hualiang, "..."

Gentle and kind...

Wife, do you have any misunderstanding of your own image!

"Who did you offend? Why did someone kill you."

"I didn't offend people. How could a good-natured and kind person like me offend people.

I was just thinking that if I made so much money today, if no one targeted me, I would definitely get through this month.

They can't let me win, the best way is to find a killer to kill me. "

I'm excited just thinking about it, and I can defend myself again.

I hope this time I invite all killers with professional ethics and honesty. Those who used to be too untrustworthy.

Obviously promised that after the injury healed, he would come back to find her for revenge, but there was no one running away.

Lu Hualiang pulled out a hand and touched her head, "Don't worry, no one will kill you."

"Why!" Heartbroken...

"Because you are on the killer blacklist."

"What is a blacklist of killers?" This name had a bad feeling when I heard it.

"On the killer blacklist, no killer will take over your task in the future, congratulations, madam."

The Queen Empress is not good at all, "This is too much, can a killer look down on people? Why do you pull me into the blacklist!

Where did I offend them, do this to me! "

Lu Hualiang, "..."

Isn't it all happy to be on the killer blacklist? Why is she angry?

"Isn't it good to be blacklisted? You don't have to worry about someone looking for a killer to kill you in the future."

"Not good! Not good at all!" It made her unable to defend herself!

"Husband, do you have a way to release me from the killer blacklist?"

"Why let it out, do you want to die."

"Of course not, I just want to be killed."

Mr. Lu touched her head helplessly, "Be good, be safe."

Missing another way of self-defense, the Queen Empress expressed her anger.

Fortunately, there are some hooligans who can beat her a few times.

The next night, after Xia Weibao finished playing with Xia Chuyan, he sent people back to the hotel and ran out by himself.

When I came to the place where I was defending myself last night, I didn't see the hooligan last night, but saw a few police stations.

Xia Weibao, "..."

con man!

All are big liars!

Obviously I made an appointment to play together, but the appointment was missed!

I didn't see anyone, I was about to turn my head back, but didn't want to be handcuffed.

Xia Weibao, "..." What happened to the horse!

She didn't do anything, why did she catch her.

"I can't catch you yet. I dare to lie to the police for money. Go in and stay there."

When she came to the police station again, the Queen Empress said that her psychological shadow was very serious.

"Go in, why are you standing."

Seeing her standing still at the door, the policeman behind him pushed her.

Xia Weibao hesitated, "Are you... making meals here?"

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