Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1672: Something happened 2

"It's really unlucky to meet them everywhere. Five sisters, let's change one."

Xia Chuyan said badly.

Xia Weibao glanced over there. Xia Yongxuan and Xia Yongtong were sitting at the table drinking, talking and laughing.

Obviously, Xia Yongxuan also saw them, and her face was immediately pulled down.

Xia Yongtong's face became even more cold, and she muttered not knowing what to say.

The singing and dancing in the bar were so loud that even Xia Weibao couldn't hear her.

But looking at the shape of her mouth, she should also be complaining about how she and Xia Chuyan can be encountered everywhere.

"Why change? This bar is not owned by the two of them. Why can't we come? Just this one."

"Looking at Ge Ying."

"What should you do? They should respond to you, and you can respond to them."

Xia Weibao said, pulling Xia Chuyan to the bar and drinking.

"Sister Wu, let's open a private room, here is a mixture of mermaids, and our two girls are not safe."

"What are you afraid of, I am here, who would dare to make trouble and beat them to death."

She also longed for someone to pick up the matter and defended herself honestly.

Thinking of how Xia Weibao looked when she singled out the ten rascals, Xia Chuyan suddenly became speechless.

"Second sister, what do you want to drink."

Xia Weibao was a little excited. She didn't come to the bar very often, and they all had dinners with friends and crew, all in private rooms.

Like now, sitting in front of the bar drinking and watching dancing is very fresh.

Xia Chuyan glanced at the people around her. There were males and females, many of them looked like vagrants and not serious people.

Some are worried, "Don't drink it anymore, let's sit for a while, if you want to drink, we will open a private room to drink later."


"How did I find that you have no sense of safety at all. Girls should not drink casually when they come to the bar. What if you are drugged.

Many girls suffer in bars, and everyone here. "

Xia Weibao frowned, isn't the bar like an inn in ancient times?

Is it that dangerous?

She has been there several times before, it is safe, nothing happened.

And they are both members of the ancient medical family, so they are afraid of being drugged?

"Second sister, you are too cautious. With your medical skills, can you not tell if there is any medicine in the wine."

Xia Chuyan, "..."

It makes sense, as if she was too cautious.

"Well then, what do you want to drink."

"What is the one they drank, so beautiful."

She pointed to the yellow and red drinks in the hands of two fashionable girls not far away.

Xia Chuyan glanced, before speaking, the waiter behind the bar spoke.

"The beauty is really discerning. This is our signature drink, Jiufeng."

"Is it a cocktail?" Xia Chuyan asked.

"It's not a cocktail. It's our specialty drink. It's made with nine kinds of alcohol. It's different from a cocktail."

Xia Weibao raised her eyebrows, "Bring us two glasses."

"Okay, but do the two of you drink before? Our stamina is very strong. If the amount of alcohol is not good enough, please don't drink it." The waiter kindly reminded him while mixing.

Xia Weibao waved his hand, "It's okay, I'm not drunk for a thousand cups. By the way, Sister, how is your drinking capacity."

"I can't, you just want a glass, and give me a glass of juice."

The waiter raised his head, "Would you like a cup, but I have already started to adjust it, two cups."

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