Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1680: I will be responsible for you 2

Xia Yongxuan was startled, this meant...

"Do you still have a late move?"

Long Xuanye faintly retracted his gaze and looked at the scarlet liquid in his hand in a vague way.

It's so beautiful.

Not only is it beautiful, but it is also delicious. One sip will make you dreamlike.

Just like her, so beautiful, like the white moonlight in the bright starry sky, once possessed, worried about it, and can't let it go anymore.

After drinking the wine in one sip, Long Xuanye put the glass down.

The goblet touched the glass tea table and made a crisp sound.

In the quiet and gloomy private room, it seemed a little cripple.

Xia Yongxuan looked at Long Xuanye, who was full of plunder, suddenly a little scared.

Only then did she realize that the man in front of her was something she had never seen through.

Perhaps, in his eyes, she is not qualified to cooperate with him at all, but is just a piece of his.

Long Xuanye stood up and adjusted the pure white suit on his body. A strange gentleness suddenly appeared in the eyes full of predatory wild light.

White, her favorite color.

She said that white symbolizes purity and light and suits him well.

Therefore, he always wears white.

Without giving Xia Yongxuan any answer, Long Xuanye walked away.

This woman is no longer useful.

Xia Weibao just came out of the coffee shop and was about to go back to find Lu Hualiang when he saw Long Xuanye appearing on the side of the road.

Looking over the crowd of supporters to her.

Xia Weibao's eyes sank, this man again!

How come he is everywhere!

Because of Long Xuanye, Lu Hualiang had many tempers with her, thinking about this, Xia Weibao looked colder.

Don't want to bother, turn around to leave.

But I didn't want Long Xuanye to have stopped in front of her, "Are you all right."

"Thanks to you, I'm not dead yet."

Knowing that she was running on purpose, Long Xuanye was not angry, "Let's talk."

"Sorry, I have nothing to chat with you." Xia Weibao's voice was cold, and he wanted to leave after crossing him.

Just as the two passed by, Long Xuanye suddenly said, "If he dislikes you, I will be responsible."

Xia Weibao's eyes slowly narrowed, "What do you mean."

The two found a café again and chose a quiet compartment on the second floor covered by greenery.

The weather is very good today, and the sun shone from the window and hit her.

It's warm and comfortable.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" Long Xuanye asked.

Xia Weibao didn't answer, and went straight into the doubt in his heart, "What did you mean just now."

Long Xuanye frowned, and his eyebrows seemed to be confused. "Although you were involuntarily drugged that night, you were not willing, but men can't bear the affair between their own women and other men.

If he has a grudge in his heart, I will be responsible. "

Xia Weibao sneered. He didn't believe a word of Long Xuanye's words, "Don't you want to say that you were the one who helped me detoxify that night."

Go to make his spring and autumn dreams!

He deserves it!

It was Lu Hualiang that night, obviously, she woke up in his bed.

He also said that the tossing was so hard that she slept for a day and night before waking up.

Long Xuanye wanted to pick up the ready-made, his face was so big!

Long Xuanye was slightly surprised, "Have you forgotten?"

Then, a touch of disappointment appeared invisible in the eyes, "Such a beautiful memory, you actually forgot."

This expression seems to be really the same.

There was a look of memories on his face, "That was the best night in my life."

Xia Weibao showed impatience in her eyes, pretend, you continue to pretend!

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