Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1683: Empress Hair Biao 1

When he saw the mole, Xia Weibao felt like five thunders.

My mind was blank.

His face also turned pale.

how come……

The mole is very small, a little bit up on the back, unless you take off your clothes, you will never see it.

As an ancient person, she is still very conservative. When attending various occasions, she does not wear a backless outfit.

Long Xuanye couldn't possibly know that.

Could it be that that night, she really and him...

Thinking of this possibility, Xia Weibao's face turned pale.

No, no, no!

Lu Hualiang has had a lot of things recently, and it is already late to finish his work today.

When he returned to the hotel, Xia Weibao had already fallen asleep, leaving a small yellow lamp beside the bed.

The light of warm color is very warm and the taste of home.

Feeling softened, he walked over lightly.

The woman on the bed breathed lightly and slept deeply.

Lu Hualiang sat down by the bed, stretched out his hand, and gently pinned the slightly messy hair on her face to the back of her head.

Revealing the beautiful face of the country and the city.

He lowered his head and dropped a kiss on her forehead.

The arc of the corners of the mouth softens unconsciously.

As long as she is by his side, he is relaxed.

Just like a thousand years ago, no matter how arduous the state affairs, even if you read the memorials until your eyes are red and swollen, but only when you go back to the apse to see her, your tiredness will disappear.

Lu Hualiang got up and took the clothes to take a bath with the back of her fingers gently across her white and tender cheeks.

The moment the bathroom door closed, Xia Weibao opened his eyes and stared at the closed door blankly.


Did she betray him that night?

The bathroom door is frosted glass, and you can see the man's strong and tall figure vaguely. Xia Weibao looked at it blankly, his eyes like a pool of stagnant water, without the slightest anger.

I don't know how long I watched, the bathroom door opened.

She panicked, closed her eyes and continued to pretend to sleep.

Lu Hualiang wrapped a bath towel around his waist, holding a towel in his hand, and walked out while wiping his hair.

The drops of water slipped down the wheat-colored skin on her body, **** and wild.

When I passed by the bed, I glanced in the direction of the bed, and the eyebrows were almost invisible.

Without saying much, walked forward by the bed.

Xia Weibao didn't know how to face him, closed her eyes tightly and pretended to sleep.

It was very quiet at night. There were only two of them in the room. There was no noise. She could clearly hear his footsteps.

He walked to the closet, opened the closet, didn't know what he took, and turned back to the bathroom.

She didn't open her eyes and was upset.

After a while, the sound of hair blowing came from the bathroom.

Then, the bathroom door opened again and he walked out.

Sit down by the bed, fumbled for a while, lifted the quilt and lay down.

Xia Weibao closed his eyes, but he seemed to be able to see his every move.

And his every move affects her heart, making her feel confused.

After the man lay down, he stretched out his hand and squeezed her face, "Wake up?"

Xia Weibao, "..."

She obviously pretends to sleep so well, how did he tell!

After being dismantled, it was boring to put it on again. She opened her eyes and looked at him in a low mood.

"How can you tell."

Lu Hualiang put his hands under her neck and embraced her skillfully.

"You frown, and I know what you want to do."

Xia Weibao, "..."

Is there any privacy at all!

"not in a good mood?"

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