Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1696: I must do well

However, without him, what is the meaning of freedom.

For her, the real freedom is by his side.

"The queen is blaming me for not working hard enough, I will definitely perform well."

Xia Weibao, "..."

Show your sister!

In the next few days, Xia Weibao did not go out, and lived a very leisurely life.

But Lu Hualiang is getting busier and busier. He leaves early and returns late every day, not knowing what he is doing.

She thought that she was thinking of a way to deal with Long Xuanye.

That man was mysterious and powerful, which made her very jealous.

What disturbed her most was that Long Xuanye was very attached to her.

I didn't know the reason, so I stared at her suddenly.

But she was very sure that she didn't know this man before.

A few days later, Lu Hualiang finished handling the matter in t city and set off for Xia's home.

There is a final round of elections, which will begin in ten days.

On the luxurious private jet, Lu Hualiang was so busy with a thick pile of materials that he didn't even drink water.

Xia Weibao sat beside him with a plate of fruit salad and fed him an apple. "What are you looking at?"

Really a workaholic, even working at this moment of flying.

Lu Hualiang bit the apple, then turned his head, kissed her on the cheek, and continued to read the documents.

"These are some hidden forces on the international road, let me see if there are any with Long Xuanye."

A coldness flashed in his eyes.

After searching for so long, there is no clue.

Then there are only two possibilities.

Or, Long Xuanye's sphere of influence is above him!

Or, Long Xuanye has no power at all, and his biggest capital is himself!

And he believes it is the second one.

The Yanxia Group has the largest sphere of influence in the world, and the Nanguo Group is the second.

Of course, there are also some unpredictable small groups with few members, but all of them are top elites.

This kind of small group has a small organization, high strength, no fixed base, and very convenient to move.

Most of them are mercenary groups.

It's not to be underestimated.

However, he sent someone to check all the small groups that could be ranked, and none of them matched Long Xuanye.

Xia Weibao frowned, "What should I do?"

Seeing her worry, Lu Hualiang put down the information in his hand, took a fork and gave a piece of papaya to her mouth.

Reassured, "What are you afraid of? Is your husband a vegetarian?"

He was able to start from scratch in just over a dozen years, create the world's largest organization with one hand, and have a sphere of influence all over the world.

Especially in the Western world, seven parts of the world belong to him.

Such a large force would still be afraid that a single Long Xuanye would fail.

Long Xuanye's mystery does not mean that he is afraid of him!

In terms of power, no one in this world can compare to him!

In terms of strength, Long Xuanye is not sure that he can beat him, so he has never dared to face him head-on.

These days he sent people to stop Long Xuanye several times, and wanted to go to the meeting in person, but he didn't want the man to be very cunning!

Every time I avoid the enclosure like a loach, dare not fight, and behave like Nan Yi!

Xia Weibao was still very worried, "Husband, Long Xuanye must have come from ancient times, but I don't know if he will wear it directly like me, or be reincarnated like you."

Lu Hualiang nodded, he had already guessed this.

The whole car exploded that day and could escape.

Lu Hualiang's face sank when he thought of Long Xuanye's ability to do light work.

It seems that he has to pick up the previous martial arts to learn.

Otherwise it is too passive.

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