Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1702: He is enough

If Long Xuanye really found her for two thousand years, how would she bear that infatuation?

His body is slimy, and I should have sweated from my scare when I was dreaming.

She got up wearily, went to the bathroom and took a bath.

It is summer, so cold water is put.

In order to make myself more awake, I deliberately went downstairs and carried the refrigerator up, and then poured all the ice in it.

After soaking in an ice water bath, the muddled thoughts finally calmed down.

The mind becomes clear, but the heart is still unstable.

He shook his head and put aside the worries and self-blame that surged in his mind for no reason.

She had no impression of those things Long Xuanye said.

Maybe... Maybe, what he said is false.

The man did everything to separate her from Lu Hualiang!

Are there too few lies about things I have done?

For such a person's words, one-third of the faith is considered too much.

Put on a bathrobe and went out, picked up the mahogany comb, and combed his long hair with some confusion.

Xia Weibao looked at the comb in her hand blankly, feeling warm in her heart.

This peach wood comb is a token of love for her and Lu Hualiang.

Before coming to Xia's house, she wanted to take it away, but she couldn't find it.

But Lu Hualiang brought it over and returned it to her.

Looking at the comb that carried the relationship between her and Lu Hualiang for a thousand years, like the disturbed thoughts of the besieged city, suddenly slowly became clear.

Why should she care about Long Xuanye's words so much.

Really or fake, she is now Lu Hualiang's wife.

This will never change.

Why bother to trouble Lu Hualiang.

As for Long Xuanye...

Forget it.

I slept today, and now I am not sleepy. She took a glass of wine, sat on the balcony, looked at the Taolin below, and drank slowly.

The evening breeze slowly brings the aroma of peach blossoms.

Very light, but reassuring.

While she was in a trance, a slight footstep suddenly heard behind her.

Before turning her head, a warm body came up, with an iron arm around her waist.

The warm body pressed against her back, and the familiar masculine atmosphere trapped her.

The man touched her hair with the other hand, "Why don't you go to me tonight, eh?"

He has been very busy for the past few days when she returned to Xia's house, and it is rare for her to be a good wife and mother for a few days, looking for him tenderly every night.

I waited tonight and waited until she came, only he came.

The hand touching her hair paused, and the eyebrows were a little unhappy, "Why don't you blow dry your hair."

Sitting outside with wet hair to blow the air, I am not afraid of headaches.

He picked up the person, put it in front of the dressing table, took the hair dryer, and slowly dried her with the tempered air.

Through the mirror, Xia Weibao could see that the man looked attentively, blowing her hair carefully.

He moves very lightly and softly, as if he is caring for a treasure.

This man has always treated her patiently and tenderly.

Xia Weibao didn't move, feeling the comfort of rubbing his scalp with his fingers.

Close your eyes gently, so that's fine.

She had him, it was enough.

After drying her hair, Lu Hualiang put the hair dryer down, then picked up the mahogany comb and gently combed her hair.

She has very beautiful hair, black and soft, without any processing, the hair is very good, and it feels very comfortable.

Since his last life, he has liked taking care of her hair.

In the quiet environment, no one made a sound, and the warm atmosphere seemed to go back to when they first met a thousand years ago.

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