Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1705: Talking nonsense with open eyes

Lu Hualiang clasped his hands around Xia Weibao's waist, and quickly jumped up with the woman in his arms, and quickly retreated.

Falling aside, looking at the place where the two had just kissed, they were hit by four peach trees at the same time.

Lu Hualiang turned his head silently, "My wife, don't you plan to explain?"

Empress Empress's small face rose to a peach, her eyes guilty and looked around randomly.

Seeing the sky and the earth means not daring to look at the man's eyes.

"Then what... the wind was too strong and it knocked down the peach trees..."

Lu Hualiang, "..."

Other skills are not good, but the ability to open your eyes and tell lies, is getting better.

Back in the room, the empress's face blushed, and she stopped talking several times.

"I didn't really knock it down, it was the wind."

Lu Hualiang responded to her with a look of "Do I look like a fool?"

Empress Empress gritted her teeth, her image of a lady.

It's crumbling, it seems that you need to pay more attention to it in the future.

Lu Hualiang threw her pajamas over, "Change clothes to sleep."

Xia Weibao was about to say that she was not sleepy. She slept for so long during the day, and there was no sleep.

But I don't want to have yet to speak, the man has already said, "Or you can sleep without clothes."

As soon as the words fell, Xia Weibao had already changed his clothes numbly.

Change in seconds!

Are you kidding me, can I sleep without clothes?

I thought that if I slept too much today, I was worried and I would suffer from insomnia at night.

But he didn't want to lie in the arms of a man, sniffing the familiar masculine breath, and entering Mengxiang after a while.

In a daze, it seems that he dreamed of some familiar scenes.

By the clear stream of the mountain stream, catkins are flying with the spring breeze.

There seemed to be two people on the grass where the grass was flying, one with a flute and the other dancing.

She looked like an outsider, standing in the air, looking at the misty situation below through the layers of mist, and occasionally heard a few young girls' laughter.

The sky is too far to see really.

She wanted to come closer, but found that she could not move, which made her very anxious.

Also very confused.

The body was trapped, and the soul was trapped too. This feeling of helplessness made her feel at a loss and panic.

Lu Hualiang had already fallen asleep, feeling the woman in his arms frowned, as if trying to wake up struggling, but couldn't wake up.

He frowned, glanced at the fine sweat from her forehead, reached out and touched it, it was cold.

What's the matter, what exactly did she dream of, she was shocked in a cold sweat.


He whispered a sentence, Xia Weibao didn't respond, he was like a nightmare.

He stretched out his hand and shook her arm gently, "Wife, wife."

The voice increased a little, Xia Weibao opened his eyes suddenly, and sat up directly with force around his waist.

With suspicion on his face, he glanced at the room blankly.

The familiar environment made her panicked heart slowly settle down.

However, his eyes were somewhat confused and dazed.

Lu Hualiang also sat up, stretched out his hand to wrap her shoulders, twisting his brows almost invisibly, "What's wrong?"

Xia Weibao was even more puzzled than him, "What's wrong with me."

"You just had a nightmare."

Xia Weibao looked around in confusion, then his eyes fell on him, "Am I having nightmares?"

What did you dream about, why didn't you have any impression at all.

"Don't think if you don't remember, go to sleep, I will guard you."

Since I can't remember when I wake up, I just don't want to think of things that are irrelevant, so why bother yourself.

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