Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1711: You can only do it with me!

I can only see the cold light of the guns in the sun.


Another shot came, and the aim was very precise.

If it wasn't for Nan Yi's speed, it is estimated that he would have been headshot at this time!

Nan Yi was burning with anger, and looked at the opposite mountain top with harsh eyes.

Someone dared to shoot in secret!

At this time, even ignoring Xia Weibao, Nan Yi's figure flashed, and the person had disappeared in front of him, running towards the opposite mountain.

Xia Weibao glanced at Nan Yi, who was running down the mountain, and then at the top of the opposite mountain.

I really want to fly over directly, so it's much faster than running down the mountain and then jumping up the mountain.

However, things like Qinggong still can't be taken in front of people, after all, she doesn't want to be caught by some institutions for research.

So Xia Weibao also ran down the mountain.

When she ran down and to the top of the opposite mountain, there was no one there.

There are messy footprints on the ground, one big and one small, the big one should be Nan Yi, and the small one should be a woman.

Xia Weibao was about to catch up when the phone rang.

Seeing that it was Lu Hualiang's call, he was inexplicably guilty.

"Hey, dear."

Mr. Lu's expression darkened when he heard this deliberately pleasing voice.

There is definitely a problem!

"where are you."

"I'm on the mountain in the outskirts, collecting medicine for my third uncle."

"Just picking medicine?"

"Yes, no medicine, I'll come to the mountain to herd sheep."

"Since you are collecting medicine, what is your guilty conscience."

"I have no guilty conscience." Empress Empress was extremely serious.

Lu Hualiang sneered, "My wife, maybe you didn't pay attention to it yourself. You only have one situation that will call me dear sweetly, and that is when you make a mistake."

Xia Weibao, "..."

Wipe, why doesn't she know it herself!

After being caught, she touched her nose innocently, "I'm really here to gather medicine..."

It's just self-defense by the way.

"You went out with Nan Yi?"

"..." Xia Weibao, "Yes, I just met, I wanted to draw him out, and then did it."

On the phone, a man roared, "You can only do it with me!!!"

Xia Weibao, whose ears were numb, "..."

Especially what the Palace said is to kill!

She didn't want to despise him anymore.

"I mean killed! By the way, did you send someone to follow me secretly?"

"No, why do you ask like that."

He didn't know that she would run out, because of her character, no one in the Xia family dared to mess with her!

As soon as she came back, she listened to the report from her subordinates. She and Nan Yi went out and almost scared him to death.

Xia Weibao scratched his head, which was strange. Who was the person who shot the shot just now?

After telling the story again, Lu Hualiang was very disturbed.

I want to fly to her right away.

Nan Yi's reputation on the road is appalling, and it is definitely not easy for people who dare to shoot at him. Although Xia Weibao can fight, he has a little knowledge of many things in this world. It is too dangerous to be outside!

Xia Weibao didn't want him to run back and forth, so he took the medicine and went back.

As for Nan Yi, he didn't come back until the evening.

I heard that when I came back, my face was sullen, obviously no one was caught.

Xia Weibao deliberately went to the Nanguo Group's courtyard to take a look at Xia Chuyan's reputation, and laughed on the spot when he saw Nan Yi ran back black after being bombed.

"Mr. Nan, have you been treated as a fried chicken?"

Nan Yi, "..." Fried chicken...

"What are you doing."

"Isn't my second sister responsible for your Nanguo Group's diet and daily life? She is not available today. I will come here to give you fried chicken for her."

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