Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1719: My face is swollen 2

Xia Yongtong is not as deep as Xia Yongxuan's city house, and he has no doubt about Xia Yongxuan's relatives.

Hearing others slander her most perfect sister like this, she was immediately stimulated.

Xia Chuyan stimulated another sentence, how can Xia Yongtong stand.

Immediately menacingly and grievously ran to Xia Yongxuan to verify.

In her eyes, Xia Yongxuan is definitely the genius doctor of Weiliang, and Xia Chuyan is jealous, that's why she is openly discredited in the public!

In order to fight back for her relatives, Xia Chuyan slapped her face severely, and never thought of going to verify it first.

Instead, he asked directly in front of everyone.

"Eldest sister, second sister said that you are not a real Weiliang genius doctor, but you pretended to be someone else's name, is it true?"

After speaking, she looked at Xia Chuyan triumphantly.

The provocative eyes seemed to say, wait for you to be slapped in the face!

As for the question of whether Xia Yongxuan would actually use someone else's name, it does not exist in Xia Yongtong's eyes, after all, her sister is so powerful!

Xia Chuyan didn't want to talk anymore, she fluffed her long hair and watched the play casually.

And Xia Yongxuan's face changed when she heard Xia Yongtong's question!


Don’t you know if you ask about this kind of thing in private, when the public asks it out, is it purely slap her in the face?

At this time, Xia Yongxuan deeply realized that what is meant by an opponent who is not afraid of gods is just a friend who is afraid of pigs!

She will be killed by this idiot!

Now it is not to answer, nor is it to not answer.

The confident Xia Yongtong saw that she didn't answer, and thought she didn't hear clearly, so she asked again.

"Sister, you are the genius doctor of Weiliang, right, the second sister actually said that you are not, tell her quickly."

I was afraid that Xia Yongxuan hadn't heard clearly, so she made a louder voice and attracted everyone around her.

Originally it was nothing, but Xia Yongxuan did not answer, which is very interesting.

Some people even started to whisper.

"What's the matter, why doesn't Yong Xuan answer?"

"Is she really not a Weiliang genius doctor, but an imposter?"

"No way, Xia Yongxuan is so arrogant, how could he do something like replacing others..."

"I didn't believe it, but now... if it is really her, why dare not to answer?"

"My God, big news..."

The discussion became louder and louder, and Xia Yongtong became anxious.

Her elder sister is the most perfect, her medical skills are the most brilliant, and the genius doctor Weiliang is so powerful, who else besides her elder sister!

Those people's words made her angry.

The eldest sister is so good, how can she be vilified!

So he urged anxiously, "Sister, speak quickly and tell everyone that the genius doctor Weiliang is you."

Xia Weibao hadn't noticed this side, but now he sees more and more people approaching and walking towards this side.

When he heard Xia Yongtong's urging words, he raised his eyebrows.

This girl is too clueless, didn't you see Xia Yongxuan can't get off the stage anymore.

The smile on his face froze into a zombie, and it was still aggressive.


How silly so cute, looking at Xia Yongxuan embarrassed, so cool!

Xia Weibao puts her hands around her chest, so she can watch the show in his spare time.

Xia Yongxuan looked embarrassed, and now she was in a dilemma, and she wanted to choke Xia Yongtong to death!


How could she have such a stupid sister!

Unexpectedly, it was not someone else who kept her off stage, but her sister!

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