Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1725: Be infected 2

Xia Weibao took a look, and it looked very good, the colors were very even, and it looked very fragrant.

Bend down and sniffed it lightly. It was really fragrant, but I didn't know how it tasted.

"Did you do these all."

Xia Weibao said something to the direction of the kitchen. While speaking, he picked up one of the pastries that he didn't know what it was called, took a few glances, and took a bite in his mouth.

The pastry melts in the mouth, the faint sweetness melts on the tip of the tongue, and there is a fragrance of flowers that lasts for a long time.

It's really delicious.

Jiang Li, who was stomping the radish in the kitchen, heard Xia Weibao's words, and her hand holding the knife handle kept tightening.

Shows the tension of the owner.

After taking a few deep breaths, fisted the hand without the knife, relaxed, clenched, and relaxed again. In the end, she mustered up the courage and swiped the knife lightly on the hand, staining a little blood.

Then he hid the injured hand, turned and walked towards the dining room.

When he saw Xia Weibao standing harmlessly at the table eating pastries, the smile on his face was satisfying and brilliant, and Jiang Li's conscience was a little disturbed.

If such a beautiful and beautiful person is also infected with AIDS, his life will be over.

A little flinched, but thinking of the huge sum of money Xia Yongxuan had given, his shaken heart was once again as solid as a rock.

She was also infected by a scumbag, and she was also innocent, so everyone is human, so she is the only one who gets sick!

She was so miserable, she had to pull her back.

So I once again plucked up the courage to walk over, "Miss Xia, what did you just say? I didn't hear clearly."

As he said, the hand holding the handle of the knife clenched tightly again, as long as she cut it down with a single knife and wounded Xia Weibao, she could spread the disease.

She will be able to complete the task!

Not only get a huge sum of money, but also pull a big star to die with!

She is also worth her life!

Just as the knife in her hand was raised, and when she was about to stab it, Xia Weibao, who was eating early, suddenly turned her head.

A big smile was shown at her, "Are you all doing this."

She suddenly turned around, shocking Jiang Li.

I was nervous at first, but now I was frightened, and the knife in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

He also made a cut in her shoe.

Fortunately, I didn't hurt my foot.

After all, it was the first time Jiang Li did this kind of thing. When an accident happened, she panicked and squatted down to pick up the knife.

Xia Weibao glanced at the blood stains on her hands and asked concerned, "Are you all right."

"No, it's okay."

"Hands are bleeding."

Jiang Li glanced at her hand, a little painful, tears swirling in her eyes, looking very pitiful.

Her time is running out...

The HIV patient has no defenses and cut her hand. It is estimated that she will be infected soon.

If it is not transmitted to Xia Weibao, it will be difficult to find opportunities.

Picked up the knife, but the man did not stand up.

She was waiting, and when Xia Weibao squatted down to help her, she stabbed it.

However, after waiting for a while, although Xia Weibao's tone was concerned, she didn't mean to help her up.

Instead, he stood like a telephone pole and kept asking whether it was okay, whether he wanted to stop the bleeding, or whether he should bandage it.

Jiang Li, "..."

You helped me get up to bandage, and asked so much whether I was concerned or wanted to wait for my wound to heal by itself?

She estimated the distance between the two, if she rushed over now, could she slander Xia Weibao with one move.

It's a little far away, Xia Weibao should be able to escape, she can't take risks.

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