Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1727: Was infected 4

This little thing couldn't be handled well, and he cut himself.

So many twists and turns, isn't it pure heart that makes people suspicious.

"Stupid pig! You stab yourself with a needle, and then hide the needle in the sofa cushion. Xia Weibao will be infected if he can't sit there."

Too stupid!

Jiang Li's eyes lit up, "Miss Xia is so smart, OK, I know how to do it."

How could she not expect such a useful method.

"Okay, get things done quickly, remember that there is surveillance in the living room, and don't be photographed."

"Okay, I know."

Jiang Li found a box of needles and threads, took out a few needles, and pricked her fingers a few times, all of which were stained with blood.

The HIV virus can survive outside the body for about a day. As long as Xia Weibao is stabbed within today, he will definitely be infected!

Thinking about this, she hid the needle and went to the living room.

In order to avoid surveillance, she wrung a towel and pretended to be cleaning.

When wiping the sofa, he deliberately turned his back to the monitor, wiped with a towel in one hand, and put the needle in the main seat of Xia Weibao in the other.

In order not to make Xia Weibao suspicious, she pressed down all the needles without revealing it at all.

The sofa is soft, and when a person sits down, it will sink, so that the needle tip will be exposed and stab the buttocks.


In order to be foolproof, she also put them in other positions, even two pillows.

There was also a secretly hidden on the back of the chair in the dining room.

Even if Xia Weibao doesn't sit on the sofa, she will definitely sit on a chair when she eats at noon!

After doing all this, Jiang Li sat down on the sofa nervously and waited nervously for Xia Weibao to come downstairs.

However, waiting left and right, did not wait until Xia Weibao came down.

The waiting time is always very grueling, and Jiang Li becomes more anxious as he waits.

However, Xia Weibao just didn't come down, and she was embarrassed to knock on the door, otherwise she would easily become suspicious.

At about noon, when the chef came to cook, Jiang Li became even more nervous, for fear of being discovered.

Observing the chefs quietly, she found that the two chefs did not stay in the dining room, but went straight into the kitchen, and she was relieved.

At this moment, the door of the master bedroom on the second floor opened and Xia Weibao walked out of it and glanced at Jiang Li in the living room downstairs.

"Xiaoli, come up here."

Jiang Li was very nervous, but still walked up.

"Miss Xia, you call me."

"Well, ask if your wound has been treated."

"It has been handled, thank you Miss Xia for your concern."

"Well, it's okay, you can go down first, and I will see you after the meal."

Jiang Li looked dumbfounded, and asked her to come up specifically to talk about it?

In the next villa, Xia Yongxuan called the patient she was in charge of to the living room as soon as she finished eating.

She put a set of silver needles on the coffee table and let the patient sit aside.

"I have a general understanding of your condition. Don't worry. Although it is a little difficult to treat, I am sure to return you to a healthy body."

When the patient heard this, tears were instantly moved, "Thank you Miss Xia, Miss Xia, you are such a nice person."

Xia Yongxuan has a gentle smile, and she always treats outsiders with this expression.

Looks easy to get along with.

"Healers' parents, this is what I should do."

In the time to speak, the silver needle has been placed, and then he sits on the sofa behind.


As soon as her **** sat on the sofa, Xia Yongxuan stood up with a scream and looked down at the sofa.

Why did it seem to be stabbed by something.

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