Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1741: Niangniang's phone was hacked

"He has been looking for Weiliang genius doctor. He used to chase Xia Yongxuan for half of the world. Now he knows that you are the real Weiliang genius doctor. I'm afraid he will come to you during this time.

I have already deployed Lu Yuan, as long as you don't leave, nothing will happen. "

"I know, I know."

Xia Weibao replied perfunctorily, what she was afraid of, Nan Yi was not her opponent.

"Don't take it seriously, Nan Yi is not as simple as you think."

She once offended Nan Yi again and stripped off her clothes. Can he let her go?

The more he thought about it, the more worried Lu Hualiang was, and it seemed that he had to go back quickly.

He is not there, it is estimated that he can't control her.

"Okay, you are really getting more and more wordy, like an old mother."

Lu Hualiang, "..."

Can he strangle her to death!

The two chatted again. Lu Hualiang was afraid that she would not sleep enough on the plane, so he reluctantly cut off the video and let her go to rest.

Xia Weibao slept on the plane, and now there is no sleepiness, so he took out his mobile phone and played a few games to celebrate Lu Hualiang's absence. She can be a wild horse!

But I didn't want to just log in to the game, and the phone screen suddenly went black.

Xia Weibao thought it would automatically shut down when the power was out, and then brought the charger and plugged in. It was still the same.

Could it be broken?

Just thinking about it, two dazzling characters appeared on the hacked screen, sleep!

Xia Weibao, "...!!!"

Shenma situation!

Is the phone still smart, can it help Lu Hualiang supervise her sleeping?

After playing around for a long time, with her limited mobile phone technology, she could only give up and obediently cover her quilt and go to sleep.

On the other side, Lu Hualiang slowly set up a program for Xia Weibao's mobile phone, which would automatically return to normal at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, so he could sleep peacefully.

Fortunately, he kept his eyes on him, did not believe her nonsense, and hacked her phone after cutting off the video.

Otherwise, because of the nature of her internet addiction girl, it would be strange not to play games all night!

After spending so long with Lu Hualiang in sports, he was already tired, and when he came back by plane, Xia Weibao just felt that he was in good spirits, and only realized that he was really tired after putting on the quilt.

Soon fell asleep.

I only woke up at 7 o'clock the next day, the first thing was to take the phone, but luckily it was back to normal.

I'm used to playing mobile phones, and I feel insecure if I don't play games for her.

After washing, she received a call from Yang Li, asking if she was up.

After confirming that she had cleaned up, Yang Li came out of the study and returned to the master bedroom to wash.

Xia Weibao didn't care about him and went downstairs wearing a set of home clothes.

Since she left, Lu Yuan and the Presidential Palace have been deserted.

Yan Fei lives at the Presidential Palace, and usually won't come.

Yan Lingyi went back to the United Nations and used his subordinates to investigate the whereabouts of her daughter.

Zhong Wanshu moved out to live with Pei Yongming, and they had obtained a marriage certificate.

Wasted half a lifetime, and half a lifetime left, don't want to miss it again.

It's just that both of them are very old, so they didn't have the wedding, they just got the certificate in a low-key manner.

Yan Yuexian is going to class.

Therefore, Lu Yuan is really deserted now, with only Lu Huashan and "Lu Hualiang".

Xia Weibao came back too late yesterday, Lu Huashan doesn't know yet.

When I went downstairs, I saw several little maids cleaning in the living room.

It was all surprise to see her suddenly appear, followed by surprise.

They all rushed over and circled around her, "Young lady, we miss you so much."

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