Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1751: fuss

Hu Yuedan did not expect to be rejected, and was a little embarrassed for a while.

At a loss.

She knew Zhuang Xuejun and was a big star before. Although she retired later, she was still a little scared.

A quick glance at the people in the private room, Hu Yuedan opened his eyes slightly, Han Luoqi, Zhong Shixia, Zhai En, Xu Jiayang, either the actress or the famous director!

These people, she could only see them on TV before!

When I had just eaten, I heard Leng Yan said that I had an appointment with Xia Weibao, so she wanted to come over and see what the real queen is like.

Unexpectedly, I saw so many celebrities and queens all at once.

Really surprised.

It's just that these people don't seem to welcome her.

Hu Yuedan's face was reddish, Zhuang Xuejun's words prevented her from getting off the stage, and Xia Weibao did not respond, which made her feel at a loss.

Looking for help, looked at Leng Yan.

His eyes were hydrated, his mouth was flat, and his poor appearance made Leng Yan's heart soft.

Hurry up and say, "It's normal to have a photo with friends. Yueyue is a fan of your baby. You can take a photo with her, baby."

Xia Weibao looked indifferent on her face, but she sneered in her heart. The problem is that she and Hu Yuedan are not friends.

It's just the first time you meet, don't be familiar.

Of course, it is inappropriate for her to refuse.

She didn't say it, naturally someone would help her.

Zhuang Xuejun continued, "Mr. Leng, don’t embarrass me. As a manager, it’s my duty to protect the privacy and image of the baby. We are visiting a bar now. The photos on this occasion are superb. What to do if your private life is chaotic.

Recently, the company has signed more and more artists, and the public relations department is busy maintaining its image. Don't add tasks to others. "

As an agent, some things Xia Weibao was inconvenient to say, she naturally handled it.

She and Xia Weibao still have this tacit understanding.

The latter words are a bit of a joke, but the meaning is very clear. You can't leave photos in the bar!

Leng Yan frowned, "Yueyue just wants to take a picture, but she won't stream the photo."

He was a little displeased. Hu Yuedan was his girlfriend. At first sight, he brought him to meet with his friend. Zhuang Xuejun embarrassed her, wasn't he hitting him in the face.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, but in case, Mr. Leng, have you forgotten the lessons of Ruan Shushu before?"

When Ruan Shushu was Xia Weibao's life assistant, he secretly took many photos of Xia Weibao, as well as pictures with Xia Weibao.

Then show off the photos of Xia Weibao everywhere.

Fortunately, those photos did not involve privacy.

Now it's no better than before. Xia Weibao is a rich young grandmother, so he must pay attention to his image.

She is a gangster again, letting people know that the paparazzi can sting her when they hang around the bar in the middle of the night!

When Leng Yan heard it, it was the same reason.

He still maintains the image of Xia Weibao.

There is no way. He has a black physique. When he walks along the way, he feels worried every time he sees Xia Weibao's hot searches.

I just wanted Hu Yuedan to forget, and look back for another opportunity to take a photo with Xia Weibao.

However, when facing his girlfriend's grievances, he couldn't say what he refused.

"Brother Yan, I just want a group photo, is that embarrassing you?

If you are embarrassed, forget it. "

He said forget it, but his expression was very unwilling.

Leng Yan's heart was pulling, it was such a simple wish. If he couldn't be satisfied, then he would be too useless.

So Leng Yan looked at Zhuang Xuejun, "It's just a group photo, Xuejun, you are too trivial."

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