Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1756: Xia Weibao! Do you dare to kick me out of the car!

Going in parallel with her car.

It happened so suddenly that Xia Weibao was taken aback, turned his head, and saw Nan Yi chasing her car.

Xia Weibao's eyes twitched fiercely, abnormal!

Just about to accelerate, Nan Yi grabbed her door with one hand, and then jumped into her car.

Sitting in the passenger seat, staring at her grimly.

No way, Xia Weibao could only park the car on the side of the road.

"I said Mr. Nan, are you sick?"

This Nanyi, the speed is really terrible!

She can also run after a four-wheeled car, because she has internal strength and can work lightly.

But she has never done such a thing, after all, it is too terrifying!

Nan Yi joked, "You want to leave after hitting my car?"

Xia Weibao rolled his eyes, please, he wanted to block her, okay, she just smashed a way,

"Mr. Nan, if you are not a dog, I won't be able to hit you."

Nan Yi's eyes sank, "Call me Nan Yi."

Xia Weibao didn't struggle with the address, after all, Nan Yi was just an outsider, not even a friend.

"Why are you looking for me."

Obviously, Nan Yi came to see her tonight.

"You just left like this?"

Xia Weibao didn't understand these words, what is meant by leaving, would she go home?

Everything is done, don’t you go home for the elderly?

"Say if you have anything." Xia Weibao squinted at him.

The meaning is obvious. If you have something, hurry up and finish talking.

Nan Yi felt a little uncomfortable when he was ordered to drive away his guest. "It would be stupid to run back to a family like the Lu family with the head of the Xia family alone."

Can the Lu family compare to the Xia family?

The Lu family is just the No. 1 giant in China, and the Xia family is the overlord of the East!

Xia Weibao wanted to complain, is this man sick?

In the middle of the night, I talked to her about something.

"Are you finished, I'm going home to sleep."

"Why did you return to Lu's house."

"Nonsense, Lu Hualiang is my husband, don't you go back to Lu's house? Go to your house."

Nan Yi's face was a bit weird for an instant, his ears flushed.

Actually, she went to his house...he didn't mind...

Xia Weibao frowned, "Don't show such a look. You were a mother, but now she's a bit more squeamish."

Nan Yi, "...who do you mean!!!"

He found that she always has the ability to make him angry!

"It's not your fault to look like a woman, so be brave enough to face reality."

Nan Yi clinched his fists and his eyes were like a wild beast, very fierce.

It seems that the next second, she will come forward and tear her apart!

Xia Weibao observed his expression, and she found that he seemed to get angry easily.

I don't know if it is related to his body, after all, Nan Yi is not a normal person.

Seeing that it was a little too much, she was also a little sleepy.

When Nan Yi was about to break out, Xia Weibao unfastened his seat belt and turned sideways.

Then, raising his leg, with a bang, he kicked Nan Yi out with the car door.

Withdraw his foot and continue to drive towards Lu Yuan.


Perverts are good, you can't beat them anyway!

If it's an ordinary person, how dare she kick hard and kill her every minute.

An abnormal like Nan Yi can't be kicked even with internal force!

After driving for a while, Nan Yi, who could not die, appeared again in her passenger seat.

"Xia Weibao! Do you dare to kick me out of the car!"

Xia Weibao had a headache. "I've already kicked it. If you dare, just tell me, what are you going to do with me."

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