Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1762: Junior sister, come with me

"Didn't you ask you not to leave Lu Yuan during this time? How did you promise me at that time?"

Xia Weibao felt a sudden in his heart.

My thoughts turned quickly, "Isn't it because of official business, I haven't been to work for so long, I go back to the company to report, and then I gather with friends.

Go out as little as possible in the future, I promise! "

Lu Hualiang wanted to say that her guarantee was worthless.

But think about it, it's useless to say it, anyway, he is not there, no one can control her.

So he softened his attitude, "Be careful, Nan Yi is more terrible than you think. If you really annoy him, the consequences will be disastrous."

"I know, I know." The attitude was perfunctory.

Lu Hualiang had a headache. If this temperament weren't protected by him, he might turn up some waves.

"I'll be back soon and wait for me."

The low voice came from the phone, which seemed to carry some kind of curse.

Xia Weibao's heart trembled, and he muttered, "Well, husband, I'll wait for you."

She didn't react until the phone hung up, her face flushed.

Why are you so nauseous?

Why wait for him, wait for him to come back to pack himself!

Xia Weibao woke up quietly to wash and change clothes, had dinner and then went out.

It's noon now. Let's have breakfast and lunch together.

Hearing what Lu Hualiang said, she will be back soon, she must hurry up and play a lot!

First, I went to find the chicken-eating trio, and then went to the genius doctor's hospital for a circle.

But Xiang Chu and Hepburn were so excited, Liger, you finally came back, wanting to kill them!

Xia Weibao was also very happy to see her two apprentices.

After not seeing each other for a while, Xiang Chu became more obsessed with Chinese medicine, and Hepburn's Chinese proficiency declined again.

Nine out of ten words are incomprehensible.

Fortunately, she has always learned English, so communicating with him is not a problem.

Played frantically for two days and met all of my previous friends.

She was not in a hurry to answer the announcement.

Today's entertainment industry is not as attractive to her as before.

Holding back energetically, she wanted to clean up the original owner, and she liked challenges.

And now, she is not only white, but also on top.

Therefore, if you want to make a movie or something, you can do it once a year.

Today I asked someone to go to the bar again, and I didn't come back until midnight.

On the way, people were blocked again.

Looking at the car in front of him, Xia Weibao really wanted to yell at Nan Yi forever.

But I didn't want her to scold him, and a man in a white suit came down from the car in front.

Xia Weibao was stunned, it was Long Xuanye.

Why is he here.

The two hadn't seen each other for a while. Seeing again, Xia Weibao felt that the person in front of him had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

There seemed to be countless pictures flashing in front of her eyes, as if they were from her dream.

It's so untrue, you can't catch it.

Long Xuanye didn't speak, but leaned halfway against the car door, looking at her intently.

Xia Weibao hesitated, but got out of the car.

Seeing her getting off the car, Long Xuanye came over.

In Xia Weibao's puzzled gaze, he reached out and took her into his arms.

Xia Weibao was taken aback by this action, and took a step back like a needle, out of his embrace.

Watching vigilantly, "What do you want to do!"

The defensive gaze caused Long Xuanye's heart to be pierced.

She was afraid of him.

This knowledge made him feel like a knife.

The little junior girl who used to rely so much on him is now full of precautions.

Looking at her sadly, "Junior sister, come with me."

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