Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1765: No fight for a day

In the president's office, Xia Weibao sat on the sofa like a baby.

Lu Hualiang sat behind her desk, staring straight at her, his sharp eyes forced!

She stared so hard that she didn't know where to put her hands and feet, so she could only put them on her knees.

Feeling embarrassed, he raised his head and grinned at the man behind the desk, "Husband, when did you come back?"

"Just now." Lu Hualiang had no expression on his face, and his tone was even more of Gu Jing Wubo.

Xia Weibao continued to laugh, "Why so suddenly."

"I don't know all of a sudden, it turns out that my wife has such a good relationship with my secretary."

Is there anyone who is more worried than him? Others dare not use beautiful female secretaries because they are afraid of her husband cheating.

His family is fine, for fear that his wife will run away with someone! ! !

Xia Weibao laughed and continued to laugh.

It's just a guilty conscience how you look at this smile.

"Why don't you speak, your heart is guilty?"

"No, no, no."

"No guilty conscience? So what did you just do in the secretary room."

I didn't know that she liked to be in the secretary's room, but the few times he ran into her, all of them were dressed normally. He thought she was just too boring, so he went to talk to someone to relieve boredom.

What he saw just now!

She didn't wear those clothes to show him! How dare to run to see others wear!

Xia Weibao almost got into the cracks in the ground, "I...I missed you, so I came to the company to find you, but suddenly remembered that you haven't come back, so I went to the secretary room to chat with friends. "

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and said waterily, "My husband, I miss you so much."

With a pitiful expression and a soft voice, Lu Hualiang's heart softened and he almost surrendered.

But thinking about what she had done during this period of time, the heart that had just softened hardened again.

No matter how good she is, she will go to heaven!

So Lu Hua had a cold face, "Speak well!"

Xia Weibao swallowed twice, blinked his eyes vigorously, and forced out two tears, "You are not here, I can't sleep at night, dark circles are coming out."

Click ——

Lu Hualiang heard the sound of cracking the ice wall on his face.

After so many days, he missed her too.

So I flew back at the fastest speed.

What did you see!

Thinking of the scene surrounded by her beautiful women just now, my soft heart hardened again.

"Stop this trick, it's useless."


Another tear ran across her face, directly on the back of her hand.

Lu Hualiang's heart gripped, no matter where he could hold on, he quickly got up and walked to her.

While sitting on the sofa, he grabbed the person into his arms, "What are you crying for!"

His soft body, with her unique fragrance, immediately filled his empty heart.

There is no sign of anger.

He sighed faintly from the bottom of my heart, he was eaten to death by her.

Xia Weibao threw into his arms, this warm and familiar embrace.

I just pretended to cry, but now I really want to cry.

"Why don't you answer my call."

"Did you call me?"

Lu Hualiang frowned, only then remembered that he hurried back, not booting yet.

Take out the mobile phone, turn it on, and she jumped out of her missed call.

"On the plane, it was turned off."

I got off the plane and rushed back to deal with the affairs, but forgot to open it.

"In a hurry to find me something?" Make so many calls.

Xia Weibao closed his eyes lightly, sniffing his masculine breath, "I miss you so much."

As he spoke, he hugged his waist tightly.

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