Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 177: Little White Flower is very awkward

Lin Siqian looked at the headlines of Xia Weibao on the Internet and was furious!

Unreasonably, all the top five popular ones are Xia Weibao!

And she doesn't account for any of the queens!

"Don't get angry, the rematch tomorrow, if you can win Xia Weibao, the heat will naturally overwhelm her.

By the way, which song do you want to sing tomorrow? I mean to sing the high notes you are good at. "

"Treble is my specialty. I have to stay at the finale, wait until the finals to sing, and sing a sensational song tomorrow."

Lin Siqian narrowed her eyes slightly, and she guessed that Xia Weibao would definitely sing that kind of sentimental tomorrow.

Because Xia Weibao's voice is delicate and lacking in mid-air, she can't sing high notes at all.

She wanted to sing the same song as Xia Weibao, and she was crushed to the point where she couldn't contain herself!

Only to solve her hatred!

The second day of the game was played by drawing lots.

Lin Siqian wanted to be able to draw in front of Xia Weibao.

People have preconceived notions, and the best things you have heard will not be heard later.

And she is confident that she can sing better than Xia Weibao!

After all, she is a queen, and she is impeccable in both her voice and singing skills, not comparable to Xia Weibao's half bucket of water!

However, things did not happen.

Xia Weibao got the number five, she was number six.

Lin Siqian felt like she had eaten her stomach and hurriedly ran to the toilet. When she took off her pants and was about to vent for a thousand miles, the manager's aunt came in to stop saying that there were people here. Please line up.

Don't mention too much aggrieved.

However, people who mix in the entertainment industry are still very strong.

Soon she adjusted her mindset.

A good meal is not afraid of late, as long as she sings better than Xia Weibao, no matter who appears first.

Besides, isn't the best thing about the finale appearance?

After comforting herself, Lin Siqian waited in the background with peace of mind.

When I heard the host introduced that Xia Weibao sang "The End of Darkness".

Lin Siqian was startled, then smiled.


"The End of Darkness" is a song that all singers love and hate.

Singing is the high pitch, and there are various conversions between false and dolphin sounds, which requires very high lung capacity!

Even the original singer didn't dare to re-sing again, I can imagine how difficult it is!

Xia Weibao actually dared to sing, God, didn't she know it.

Lin Siqian, who was still a little worried, is not worried at all now.

Waiting for Xia Weibao to die with a sneer.

Not to mention Lin Siqian, all the audience at the scene felt a little contemptuous when they heard the song Xia Weibao was about to sing.

"The End of Darkness"? She dare to sing?

Some black fans are already ready to move, and plan to squirt Xia Weibao to death when Xia Weibao loses face!

Those who used to be loyal fans were a little worried.

They followed Xia Weibao all the way, so they are very familiar with Xia Weibao's style. Can this song be controlled?

Sister Tong, Xu Jiayang, and Leng Yan all sat nervously in front of the audience.

Xia Weibao made such a high-profile declaration the night before. Today's scene is very important!

If she sings well, she will soar into the sky!

But if you lose, you will undoubtedly slap yourself!

She will become the biggest joke in the entertainment industry, and it will be difficult to stand up in the future.

In this battle, for them, they can only win without losing!

Staring intently at the woman in the black tight skirt in the middle of the stage.

Today her look can be described as stunning.

Changed from the past celestial and fluttering image, wearing a mysterious and cold black tight skirt.

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