Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1770: Love, is there first come, first come 1

The young prince was irritated by witnessing her mother being killed.

He was secretly sent out of the palace by her mother's cronies and escaped.

The young prince was alone and helpless, and the rebels searched for his whereabouts everywhere. He dared not show up in front of others and almost starved to death.

Later, he was rescued by a master of Jianghu sect and brought back to train.

Having experienced a rebellion since childhood, Prince Longxian was premature, full of hatred, concealed his name, and recharged in the martial arts, ready to wait for himself to become stronger, and then come back to the country!

The days in Shimen are undoubtedly easy and happy. He is talented and intelligent, and he has shown a calmness that is beyond reach at a young age.

It was very popular with the head, and later succeeded in worshipping under the head, becoming the only direct disciple of the head, and training as the heir.

The head has no children at his knees and only has one daughter. Since he wants to pass on the position of head to Prince Longxian, it is natural to marry his daughter.

So the two practice martial arts together, childhood sweethearts, secret love.

The latter two regained their country together and lay down thousands of miles.

The script ends here. As for the subsequent destruction of the country, it is not mentioned.

As Xia Weibao looked down, countless uncapable images flashed in his mind, so familiar.

Knowing that she was confused.

But if she asked what scene she saw, she couldn't remember it.

All she knew was that there was a fuzzy white figure occupying all her thoughts.

Can't remember, and can't forget, she has a splitting headache, tortured her almost crazy!

The script was filmed heavily on the coffee table, and the noise made Xu Jiayang, who was discussing Zhuang Xuejun, startled.

"Baby, what's wrong with you?" Zhuang Xuejun asked cautiously.

Xu Jiayang also looked over.

Xia Weibao emptied his forehead, "It's okay, maybe I didn't sleep well last night and my head hurts a bit. By the way, who is the investor in this script?"

Zhuang Xuejun looked at the message, "He didn't say his name, only the last name Long."

Xia Weibao's complexion changed suddenly!


This surname is too rare.

She doesn't believe this is a coincidence, there are not so many coincidences in the world.

It must have been invested by Long Xuanye, and it was about two thousand years ago. What does he want to explain?

Tell her about their past.

He said that she was his junior sister.

Is this their story?

Childhood sweethearts, two little no guesses, mutual affection, private life-long vows!

What about Lu Hualiang.

If she was really with Long Xuanye before, but later married Lu Hualiang, what is Lu Hualiang's position?

‘You only know that he has been looking for you for a thousand years, but you have thought that I have been looking for you for two thousand years! ’

‘You promised to be my wife, but you left me alone. For the sake of each other, I left everything to come to you!

Including my own life! ’

‘But what did you give me back! You are supposed to be my wife, but you are so affectionate and loving with other men, have you ever thought about how I feel! ’

‘Do you know how painful it is to carry the fire with the soul and suffer the thunder from the sky?

I have endured the punishment of destroying my soul twenty times!

But it doesn't matter, as long as I can find you, I will be willing to suffer as much as possible!

But the result!

After looking for you for a thousand years, I saw that you became the queen of others. After looking for a thousand years, I saw that you became the wife of others!

Have you ever thought about how painful I am! ’

Long Xuanye's stern question still echoed in his ears, and Xia Weibao felt a splitting headache and was going crazy!

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