Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1776: All paranoid 2

Or, let's go to death together, go to the next life, an era without Long Xuanye!

Xia Weibao was shocked by his ruthless expression, and his face was pale.

"Let go, it hurts!"

Lu Hualiang just relaxed now, but still imprisoned the person in his arms domineeringly, without any intention of letting go.

Can't let go.

If you let go, she will slip away.

"What are you doing!" Xia Weibao was a little angry, having a temper for no reason.

"Every day I say I'm not honest, and you get angry again after I say it!" How can we talk about it like this?

"You are leaving me, if I can bear it, I will be a man!"

"When did I say I would leave you?"

Sick, it's okay to make up for it!

"Don't you remember everything?"

"No, wait, what do I mean when I think of it, Lu Hualiang, what do you know!"

Xia Weibao's face suddenly changed color. What did he mean, know her past?

Lu Hualiang stared at her face without speaking or speaking.

Seeing his silence, Xia Weibao raised his voice, "Say I'm not honest, you are not hiding from me! What do you know!"

Suddenly a question came to mind. A thousand years ago, they were obviously fine, why did he send her away with a secret technique, and he came back to look for her again!

"Let go of me!" She struggled to leave his embrace, but was tightly embraced.

After struggling a few times, the difference between men and women is too great, so she gave up.

"How much did you hide from me! Do you know who Long Xuanye is? Why did you give me death in the first place!"

"I do not know who he is."

Xia Weibao sneered, "I look like a fool?"

He clearly knows!

Seeing that she was struggling again, Lu Hualiang hurriedly held the person down, "I really don't know, at that time you were still my queen, but you..."

The needle was pierced, and there are some things that I really don't want to mention.

It's just that the words have already been said, it is better to say clearly!

He didn't want to spend every day in hesitation, worrying about gains and losses.

"At that time, you were often in my arms, calling his name..."

Xia Weibao's face turned pale, and her tone was a little anxious, "I don't know."

"Aren't you always wondering why I have no sense of security for you? When you are under me, calling other men, how can I feel safe?"

His uncertainty about her has continued over a thousand years ago.

There is anxiety deep in my heart.

Because of this, when he first met in this life, he hadn't remembered his previous memories, but his anxiety about her was engraved in his mind and almost became instinct.

Hearing her calling the emperor, this instability was aroused.

He is really jealous, not because she is called the emperor, but because she is called Senior Brother.

Two thousand years of love debt, how can he rest assured.

I don't know what kind of past she and that man have, whether it is unforgettable.

Otherwise, how could that man not give up after looking for her for two thousand years.

Finding someone is too tired.

He searched for a thousand years, so he knew the loneliness and sadness.

I dare not imagine what kind of love that can make a person find two thousand years.

He is scared.

He is good at controlling everything, but her is his uncertainty.

Xia Weibao didn't know what to say anymore, it was very ridiculous, wanted to explain, but didn't know how to explain.

"My name is the emperor..."

"No, your name is Senior Brother."

Xia Weibao's body trembled fiercely, if she was really called Senior Brother, then he...

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