Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1784: Hero Lu saves the United States

Bend his knees and hit Nan Yi's chest fiercely.

The biggest advantage of Nanyi is that the body has mutated and it is fast!

very fast!

Even if Xia Weibao's sneak attack came in an instant, he could spread out his five fingers to clasp her knees, press down violently, and clasp her shoulders like lightning with his other hand.

The hands and feet were grabbed, and Xia Weibao's body was slammed down in a straight line.

Nan Yi bent her knees and pushed her waist up, wanting to break her waist for life!

Xia Weibao was shocked, and while falling to the ground, he clasped his Tianling Cap with one hand!

Damn it!

Isn't it tough? If you want to kill this palace, this palace will kill you first!

Feeling a strong pressure on his head, Nan Yi was frightened. The head is the most fragile. If the skull is broken, even if his body undergoes mutation, he will not survive!

Not daring to hesitate any longer, he threw down the woman in his hand.

Xia Weibao's body was like a parabola, tracing a semicircle in mid-air, his body reacted quickly, and he volleyed a few somersaults.

Stepping on a tree not far away with both feet, he flew back with the help of two kicks.

Looking at the menacing woman, Nan Yi took a mouthful of blood, perverted!

Dead pervert!

He thought he was abnormal enough, but he didn't expect this woman to be more abnormal than him!

It's just that this situation is so familiar!

Especially her move of flying directly on a big tree, as if she had seen it in which forest...

The masters are most afraid of losing their minds.

Nan Yi was in a daze, Xia Weibao had already galloped over and hit his belly with a fist.

The abdomen was injured, Nan Yi's body bent forward, Xia Weibao flew up and kicked his chin, kicking the person out.

It's slow to say, but the tricks are only a short time.

Nan Yi got up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, it was so **** cruel!

"Are you a woman?"

Oh shit!

Men didn’t fight so hard!

Xia Weibao's situation was not much better. After playing for so long, several houses were destroyed, and a lot of color was naturally hung on her.

The empress was angry, "Are you a man!"

Damn it!

It doesn't matter if you hit a woman, it's still such a cruel hand, really not a man!

Nan Yi was even more angry than her, so she couldn't be beaten to death so cruelly, can she not be cruel!

Xia Weibao was furious, but her heart became more depressed.

Why did her medicine fail today?

In the past, it was obvious that Nan Yi could move slowly, but this time it was completely useless.

Not only did he not slow down, but he was getting faster and faster!

As he was thinking, Nan Yi on the opposite side suddenly let out a sneer, "Are you thinking, why did the medicine on me not work?"

Xia Weibao was startled, but did not speak, but waited for his next words.

"Because, I take the medicine in advance."

After that, without giving Xia Weibao time to think, he rushed over.

Xia Weibao was frightened, his speed was as fast as thunder, she just missed the opportunity in that daze, and it was too late to avoid the move.

Grit your teeth and flash to the side, even if you can't avoid it, you must avoid the key, otherwise you might die here today!


The muffled sound of fists collided in her ears, and Lingli's fist wind blew the hair around her ears, causing pain on her face.

However, the expected pain did not come.

At the moment when she evaded, her arm was grabbed by a big palm, and she quickly pulled her aside.

Then, the body fell into a broad and familiar embrace.

Swiping up his head, he saw a hard chin.

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