Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1786: Other people shoot out, she played with bullets

The peaceful Lu Yuan was in chaos in an instant.

Lu Hualiang glanced inadvertently and saw that she was actually playing with a bullet on the side, shaking his hands in fright and punching him in the wrong direction.

Being taken advantage of by Nan Yi, he received a punch in the face.

He took a step back, turned his head and shouted at Xia Weibao, "What are you doing, step back!"

She had never seen a gunfight, she played in the rain of bullets!

Xia Weibao wanted to say that she could pick up five of these bullets in one hand, and she didn't look at it at all.

However, not wanting Lu Hualiang to be distracted, so he backed away quickly.

The scene is so chaotic, naturally I dare not start the killing, otherwise all will die!

The deputy walked to Xia Weibao and protected her.

Although I know that the mistress does not need him to protect, but in order not to distract the master, I still protect it.

"Madam, you stand behind me, don't worry the master."

Xia Weibao pursed her lips and took a step back, looking very well-behaved.

But from time to time, he ran out, and ran back one bullet.

Deputy, "..."

Holding a handful of bullets in his hand, Xia Weibao felt boring. They all shot out like a slingshot, all hitting the feet of the people from the Zhongnan Group.

Extremely accurate!

The deputy swallowed, so accurate... fingering!

"Why did you come so in time?" Xia Weibao asked.

The deputy was on guard, "On the way to save Miss Shanshan, the master hurried over after receiving Lu Yuan's alert."

Xia Weibao's expression changed drastically, "What happened to Shanshan!"

"Ms. Shanshan was arrested by the Nanguo Group, and Yang Tezhu has already gone to rescue her."

"Why didn't you say it earlier!"

Xia Weibao was angry and looked flustered.

Lu Huashan is just an ordinary person, how afraid of being kidnapped!

"I'll save her." Throw a word and ran out.

Lu Hualiang was always worried about her, and was furious when she saw someone running away, "Where to go!"

"I'll save Shanshan!" Xia Weibao didn't look back.

Lu Hualiang was a little anxious, but after another thought, let her save Lu Huashan.

Nan Yi is not there, no one is her opponent, Shanshan will definitely be fine with her.

"Protect young lady."

Lu Hualiang yelled, and his deputy immediately drove a dozen people to catch up.

Nan Yi's eyes became red anxious. Today, he adjusted the tiger away from the mountain, just to catch Xia Weibao.

Can't let her go!

However, Lu Hualiang got too tight, and he fell into a disadvantage, unable to beat it at all!

I tried to get out several times, but was locked up.

In the end, I can only grit my teeth and carry it hard. Today is Xia Weibao lucky!

Lu Hualiang hung Xia Weibao in his heart, and started getting more and more ruthless.

Nan Yi was defeated, so he could only find a way to escape.

He is fast, and Lu Hualiang can't stop him if he wants to escape.

It's just that it's a lot more difficult to face Lu Hualiang, who is making rapid progress.

A few minutes later, the police arrived, and there was a gun battle in the city. It was impossible not to alert the police.

With the arrival of the police, Nan Yi managed to escape and almost lost his life!

Lu Hualiang gritted his teeth bitterly, so he escaped!

Looking at the ruins of Lu Yuan and the policemen who were in the way, Lu Hua was so angry that he wanted to kill!

However, it is important to find Xia Weibao.

As for the matter here, someone will handle it.

No one dared to move him in the imperial city anyway!

Getting in the car, he hurriedly contacted his deputy, however, he couldn't get in touch.

At this time, Yang Li called, and Lu Huashan was successfully rescued. She was frightened, and her arm was injured and she was taken to the hospital.

Just in front of the hospital, Lu Hualiang asked the driver to drive over.

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