Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1793: Lu Hualiang's crisis

Everything is so normal, but in this special situation, he can't see a little sadness, there is no loss of control, it is an abnormality in itself!

Zhong Wanshu's eyes were red again, "Son, if you want to cry, just cry, mother will not see it, don't hurt yourself, the baby is still waiting for you to save."

Lu Hualiang, "..."


I really can't imagine that the word cry was actually used on him.

"Mom, you go back and take good care of Shanshan. I will be away for a while."

Are you sad, sad, worried?

These will naturally be.

However, now is not the time to be sad.

Since Xia Weibao was taken away by Long Xuanye, there was definitely no danger.

As long as the person is still alive, even if he turns over the earth, he will find the person!

Lu Yuan was ruined so badly, it must be rebuilt, and there will be no one to live there.

Moreover, the power of the Lu Group is limited. To find someone, you must use all the information networks of the Yanxia Group!

After returning to the secret stronghold, I learned that the two days he had been in a coma had turned the sky over!

Nan Yi's injury healed, knowing his true identity, began to fight frantically!

Not only attacked the Lu Group, but also attacked the Yanxia Group in an all-round way, and the Yang family assisted.

The two forces joined forces to attack one, and he fell ill and was hospitalized again, without the backbone. The result can be imagined.

In two days, although half of the country was not destroyed, it was almost the same.

Yang Li, Neil and others were so busy that they could use them as several people alone. They slept for less than two hours a day. They wanted to grow three heads and six arms, and then borrow from the sky for another five hundred years!

Seeing Lu Hualiang coming back, Yang Linei was full of cows and knelt directly!

Master, you have finally come back. If you don't come back, he will die suddenly!

Lu Hualiang's expression was indifferent, "Is there any news about Mrs. Shao."

"Not yet." Yang Li wanted to die.

"Turn on the global satellite monitoring system." Lu Hualiang said in a deep voice.

You must find someone at all costs!

Where is Xia Weibao now?

She didn't know it herself.

Looking at the white room and the broken flower curtains, it was very strange.

She has been trapped here for ten days.

The memory ended in the car accident that day, when she was not driving, so when the car accident happened, there was no precaution at all.

Although she had used her internal force to protect her body for the first time, her head hit the car window severely.

For a while, she seemed to see a white figure passing by, and then she fainted.

Woke up again and lay in this room.

For so many days, apart from the servant who delivered the food, she had never seen anyone.

The maid is a very young and innocent girl who takes care of her diet and daily life, but is silent about her situation.

Xia Weibao looked at a pair of pink soft slippers by the bed, and wanted to go down.

But I didn't want to just move, the body was weak, and the person fell off the bed.

He fell to the ground, panting, and couldn't get up for a long time.

Struggling to hold on to the edge of the bed, his body can't get strong at all.

After working hard for a long time, I finally climbed onto the bed.

This situation has continued since she woke up until now, her body is limp, and even her bones seem to be soft.

Not to mention fleeing, even the most basic ability to move.

Barely able to eat, the maid waits for the bath.

As a doctor, she knows very well that she is Chinese medicine, and she is very domineering and loose!

But, knowing the poisoning, but there is no antidote.

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