Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 180: President Lu finally panicked

"Fu Bo, how is Madam Young?"

"Mrs. Young is fine, but she is out now, does the husband want her."

"Out?" Lu Hualiang frowned, "Where did he go."

While talking, looking at the time, it's already six o'clock in the evening. Go out?

"The young lady said I went up the mountain to collect medicine."

"What kind of medicine?" Lu Hualiang's face became heavier and heavier.

Can this woman be normal? Can't buy any medicines? What kind of medicines are she?

"I don't know very well. The young lady said that the drugstore did not have the medicine she wanted, and then asked me if there were any barren mountains nearby. I told her that there was a medicine mountain in the primeval forest, and she went."


Lu Hualiang stood up abruptly, "Naughty, how can you let her go to such a place!"

After speaking, I picked up the car key and ran out.

There is a virgin forest more than 100 kilometers away from the imperial city. Because it has not been developed, it is very dangerous, and the woman dare to go!

Uncle Fu had originally thought that Xia Weibao was so ferocious that he didn't look like a woman at all.

Even if you go to the primeval forest, you are not afraid.

But now that Lu Hualiang said this, he suddenly panicked.

No matter how strong she is, she is also a woman.

Moreover, places like virgin forests have so many poisonous insects, snakes and ants, and large beasts also appear.

Because it is too dangerous, it has been blocked.


She ran by herself, and it was dark, in case there was any danger!

Fu Bo turned pale.

Mrs. Young, don't have anything to do with you.

Lu Hualiang stepped on the accelerator and the car was almost flying!

The hand holding the steering wheel was raised with blue veins, and his eyes were bloodshot.

The phone kept dialing Xia Weibao's call, but couldn't get through.

In places like primeval forests, there is no signal at all.

In other words, she has arrived.

Dead woman!

Lu Hualiang was going to be furious.

At this moment, the weather forecast for the virgin forest area came from the radio, and there will be heavy rain tonight.

He was even more scared and his face turned pale, and his palms even ooze cold sweat.

Don't worry, don't worry.

At that moment, I was very flustered.

The speed is getting faster and faster, he can't wait for a flash to come to her!

Inside the primeval forest, Xia Weibao took a flashlight and moved forward in the dark.

The violent wind blows up the big tree and sways constantly, as if the evil devil is opening his teeth and dancing his claws, and may swallow invading lives at any time.

The strong wind roars, the ghost cries and the wolf howls.

The sounds of insects and beasts are creepy in the dark forest.

However, the woman who moved forward cautiously was not afraid.

Perhaps for modern people, wandering in the forest at night is a terrible thing.

But for her goddess doctor who once wandered the world, it was commonplace.

When she used to sleep and eat, she used the sky as the bed.

But since entering the palace, he has lived a life of fine clothes and food, and has never experienced spending the night in the forest again.

Strange, why did you think of the Dog Emperor again?

Xia Weibao shook his head, suddenly stopped, and his eyes instantly became Lingli!

After a few sniffs, the smell of damp and rotten leaves in the forest was mixed with a touch of blood.

Is it a human? Or a beast?

There was a slight noise behind her, and her ears twitched.

He turned his head and stared at the low bushes behind him.

Cautiously walked over, took the stick and lifted the leaves away, and a man covered in blood fell out of it.

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