Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 182: Mr. Lu, please sign for the rival

Fang Lilin, "..."

Miss, have you considered my feelings when you do this.

"I was shot and fled here."

As he spoke, his body twitched, then he seemed to convulse in pain.

His complexion also turned pale.

"Can you please do me a favor?" Fang Lilin's voice trembled a little, as if he was enduring great pain.

"What are you doing."

"Help me to the front cabin."

Although this virgin forest has not been developed, he occasionally brings troops here to train field survival skills.

So a rest hut will be built at a distance.

If he remembers correctly, there is one in front.

Xia Weibao didn't want to care about him, after all, she was here to gather medicine, not to play.

But the doctor's parents' heart, she can't see death and save her.

No way, occupational disease.

After thinking about it, he reached out and helped him up.

It's getting dark anyway, and she can't find a place to gather the medicine. It's better to save the individual first.

There is a saying, how to save a life is better than to build a seven-level float.

If she saves the individual by chance, her merits will be fulfilled, so that she can go to her emperor when she is promoted.

No need, floating in this strange world alone like a duckweed without roots.

As soon as he touched his body, he found that he was extremely cold.

Feeling his veins smoothly, it is very messy and weak and gossamer.

"Are you poisoned?"

Xia Weibao's face was dignified. There were a lot of poison in this forest, and she encountered a lot when she came in.

Had it not been for her experience, she would have been poisoned to death.

Without reply, Fang Lilin fell directly to the ground.



There was thunder over his head, and Xia Weibao's face turned gorgeously black.


What a bad luck!

Sure enough, it is not so easy to rely on saving people to accumulate merits and virtues!

Looking around the dark virgin forest, thunder roared and it was about to rain.

It's not easy to walk through the forest on rainy days. She is a little strenuous by herself, let alone carrying such a big person.

So the queen empress turned around and left very coolly.

But he didn't want to walk two steps and then turned back, picked up Fang Lilin, threw it directly on his back, and carried him forward.

Damn occupational disease!

Forget it, isn't it just about saving someone?

Although Fang Lilin has only met once, he feels pretty good, and he feels righteous.

Seeing that the thunder is getting denser, it is estimated that it will rain soon.

Xia Weibao was carrying such a big person on his back and walking very hard in the dark forest.

Occasionally, some snakes, insects, ants, venomous spiders and so on came out to say hello, which made her angry.

After thinking about it, she shook the man on her back. After making sure that he really passed out, she tapped the ground with her toes and flew forward with a light effort.

I saw a white figure floating in the forest like a ghost.

If someone sees it, they will probably be scared to complain to Yan Wangye about how to put the female ghost up to scare people.

After flying for a while, I finally saw the cabin that Fang Lilin said.

Xia Weibao's eyes were happy, and as soon as he carried the person in, there was a pouring rain outside.

The cabin is very simple, with only a small bed, not even a chair.

Next to it is a small wooden table with some simple cooking tools.

There was a thick layer of dust. It should have been a long time since no one came.

To be honest, the moment she saw this small wooden house, she had an illusion in a trance, returning to a thousand years ago.

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