Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1825: He is also a poor man 1

He can only make some poisons, and is not proficient in this area of ​​medicine.

I don't know if what she said is true or false.

She is too clever and too cunning, in case she moves anything in this prescription...

Long Xuanye took the prescription and went out, found several prestigious Chinese medicine doctors, and showed them both prescriptions.

The statement is similar to Xia Weibao's. The first prescription has a strong fetal protection effect and is suitable for pregnant women with habitual abortion. The second prescription is more focused on the healthy development of the fetus.

As for the extra two-flavored medicines, although I can't see what they are useful for, the prescription of Chinese medicine is originally a mixture of various medicinal materials, and each doctor has his own unique method.

So no one doubted it, and no one raised it.

Although Long Xuanye was still worried, he still changed Xia Weibao's prescription.

Xia Weibao lay and sat nervously, afraid that Long Xuanye would see the ugliness.

This man is too dangerous.

Fortunately, he didn't notice.

Xia Weibao breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that this life was really frightening.

Thinking of how chic she used to be, now she is really suffocated.

After changing the medicine, the Ruanjinsan in the body has almost resolved, and another change of the medicine can completely resolve it.

She estimated that at that time it was exactly three months old. If Lu Hualiang can't find her again, then run by himself!

But now we still have to install it, otherwise all our previous efforts will be lost.

Long Xuanye did not show up, and she was happy too.

During this period of time, Long Xuanye's life was not easy, and it was a great loss for him to discount twenty dead men at once.

The training of dead men is difficult. The physical fitness of modern people is very different from that of ancient people, and there are not many people who can successfully train.

Lu Hualiang pressed on every step of the way, and he was so busy.

I haven't visited Xia Weibao for many days. I heard from the maid that she had a very boring time.

Always alone in a daze.

Also, she was kept in the room and had no entertainment. Every day except for eating and drinking medicine, she was sleeping, which was really boring.

After thinking about it, he opened the door of the room.

She was lying on the bed, facing out the window in a daze.

He didn't look back when he heard the door opening.

"Junior sister, do you want to go for a walk?"

Xia Weibao's silent eyes flashed twice, "Will you let me out?"

If he could go outdoors, Lu Hualiang would be able to find her!

"Let's go, I will take you out to relax."

Long Xuanye said as he took her coat and put it on her, the weather outside was a bit cold, fearing that she would be frozen.

Xia Weibao got dressed and was about to put on shoes. Long Xuanye had already knelt down and took a pair of flat shoes to put on her.

"You can't walk, I will hold you."

Xia Weibao snorted and almost forgot. In Long Xuanye's eyes, she is now pregnant and loose, and she will not be able to walk long.

If Long Xuanye knew that she had detoxified herself, the consequences would be disastrous.

I really don't want to be hugged by men other than Lu Hualiang, but there seems to be no choice now.

Long Xuanye didn't take her out, but the small courtyard behind the villa.

There is a river there, there are willow trees by the river, and a large green meadow.

It's just autumn now, and the scene by the river is a bit depressed.

This kind of scenery is best seen in spring.

Someone put a thick cushion on the stone bench on the grass, and Long Xuanye put her down.

Then sat down beside her and took out a green jade flute.

"Junior sister, do you still remember, we used to like to play by the river the most. I play pipes and you dance."

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