Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1832: Niangniang restores her memories two thousand years ago 1

The woman who could have hugged and fell asleep every night can only look at her face through the photo.

Lu Hualiang's throat seemed to be blocked by something, uncomfortable.

He missed her, thought of being possessed.

His eyes touched Long Xuanye next to him, and his eyes were so gentle.

Lu Hualiang's face changed slightly

Why is Long Xuanye laughing and Xia Weibao also laughing?

The two were sitting on a stone chair with their heads slightly close together, as if they were talking.

Lu Hualiang was suddenly flustered. Why did she have such a good relationship with Long Xuanye? Why did she smile at him.

She was obviously robbed, shouldn't she hate the man so much? Why would she talk and laugh.

Could it be...she remembered?

She remembered the past between them, remembered their unforgettable past, so, together again?

What about him.

Does she want him?

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Hualiang's heart felt cold and his body trembled slightly.

Long Xuanye has always been a thorn in his heart, he and her only have a thousand years, but Long Xuanye and her have two thousand years!

This is where he fears most.

Force yourself not to think about it, and find the person first.

They have so many beautiful memories together, don't believe she will be so unfeeling.

He wants to have faith in her.

Soon, Neil came in, "Master, the news was anonymously voted by a man to the paparazzi. We told the paparazzi that he was given to him by a child and gave him 10,000 yuan. , Let him hand it to the paparazzi.

We also found that little child, a little beggar at the bottom of the overpass, and someone gave him money and asked him to find someone at random.

After turning a few hands, the last person was on the side of the road someone threw him a bag with money, photos, and a note saying how to do it.

As for who threw the bag, he didn't know.

The clue is broken. "

It's really cunning, turning a few hands!

Lu Hualiang's face was covered with haze, "Where is the last photo."

"It is preliminarily determined to be in Southeast Asia. A comparative analysis is underway, and the results will be available in about an hour."

"The plane is ready to fly to Southeast Asia!"

Lu Hualiang got up, he couldn't wait.

Rather than wasting time, it's better to fly there first, and then go to containment immediately after the comparison results come out!

When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped, "Let Xu Jiayang deal with this scandal."

There must be no scandals of derailment!

She can only be his!

The enthusiasm on the Internet still hasn't dissipated. In the study of a garden villa in Southeast Asia, Long Xuanye stared at the news on the Internet with a gloomy expression.

The several black dead men standing in front of them all bowed their heads and did not dare to let out the atmosphere.


Long Xuanye slammed the table, and the short knife on it was shocked to fly. With a wave of his hand, the short knife flew out instantly and brushed one of the dead men's neck.

The deceased man fell directly backwards, and died after two convulsions.

On the neck, blood is still pouring out.

Seeing this, the other dead men lowered their heads, silently enduring anger.

"Anyone who followed all the way didn't find out what to raise a bunch of trash for you! Why don't you go find the people!

See you next time! "


The uniform voice fell, and the black shadow flashed, leaving only Long Xuanye in the study.

He leaned back in the chair, his face was hazy.

Who on earth actually followed him all the way.

And he was taken pictures, he actually committed such a gross negligence!

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