Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1835: Niangniang restores her memories two thousand years ago 4

Xia Weibao smiled softly, "Brother, you are so kind to me."

Long Xuanye was so happy that he didn't know where to put his hands and feet, and couldn't help but hug her.

Xia Weibao's body stiffened and was a little crowded out. Fortunately, he just gave him a hug and quickly let go.

Then call to arrange a plane.

Her current body is definitely the best one for flying on an airplane, to ensure comfort.

He is very concerned about this matter.

Xia Weibao twitched the corner of her lips and continued to look at the scenery outside the window.

The moment he turned his head, there was a little self-deprecating in his eyes.

When feelings become a means to an end, it is a kind of sadness.

When Lu Hualiang found the garden villa, he ran away again, he was going crazy!

I have rushed over at the fastest speed, but I didn't expect it to be a step too late!

Seeing people go to the empty villa, Lu Hualiang could no longer suppress the inner mania, and kicked **** the stone lion in front of the door.

The power of this foot is very powerful, it directly kicked the two-high stone lion, and slammed it on the door with a boom, the door fell, and the stone lion broke.

Neil and others dare not show up, and no one dares to provoke Lu Hualiang who is in a violent state!

They all got bored and hurried in to find clues.

Lu Hualiang came to the master bedroom, where there are many traces of her life, even the air is all her fragrance.

He walked to the bed. This was a double bed, where she had slept.

So on the other side, every night, is there another man lying there?

This is a question he has been avoiding.

Now that I see this double bed, I have a pantothenic thought in my heart, but I can't suppress it.

He sat down by the bed, lay down, and was instantly wrapped in the fragrance of her remaining.

Lu Hualiang closed his eyes lightly, breathing in her scent, imagining her lying in his arms, so that he could relieve the heartache that had been going on for many days.

After hesitating for a long time, he made up his mind to pull over the quilt on the other side. It was all her taste.

There is no breath of a second person.

A big rock in my heart finally fell to the ground.

Lu Hualiang buried his head under the quilt and closed his eyes. Where are you?

He missed her, thinking of going crazy.

Also, the child in her belly...

After lying down for a while, someone knocked on the door outside. It was Neil and others who had searched the villa inside and out to inform him.

Lu Hualiang got up, gently sorted the messed quilt, folded it neatly, and placed the pillows.

It's like, this is his and her room.

When playing with the pillow, a faint smell of Chinese medicine floated.

Lu Hualiang frowned. Why does the pillow smell of Chinese medicine?

Thinking of finding the manor for the first time, Xia Chuyan said that Xia Weibao was drinking Chinese medicine.

But drinking Chinese medicine will not make the pillow smelly.

There can be only one explanation, and Chinese medicine has gotten here.

Most people don’t get the pillow when they drink medicine.

Lu Hualiang's complexion changed, and suddenly there was a strong hunch, this is the message Xia Weibao left him!

I took the pillow and looked through it carefully, and I saw a trace on the back!

It is written with Chinese medicine, the handwriting is dry, the color is very light, and the pillow is yellow broken flowers, it is more difficult to identify.

I suppressed my inner emotions and walked to the window with a pillow. There was plenty of light and sunlight came in. My vision was much clearer than indoors.

There are two words written on it, "Love King."

Lu Hualiang frowned, Ai Wang?

What do you mean.

The handwriting is a bit scribble, especially the second king character, which is very small and only occupies the upper half of the corner, obviously not finished yet.

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