Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1837: Niangniang restores her memories two thousand years ago 6

Thinking of the joy of the past, Long Xuanye's slightly shaken heart just became firm again.

"Junior Sister, take medicine."

Xia Weibao looked back, her eyes blank.

There is no vitality for her like this.

When I met at the Xia family, I was still very energetic.

Long Xuanye suddenly couldn't bear it, "Junior sister, do you want to walk outside?"

Xia Weibao was surprised, "Are you willing to let me out?"

Such a rhetorical question is like a needle piercing Long Xuanye's heart. For her, is it an extravagant hope to go for a walk.

"You take your medicine and take a good rest. I'll take you out in two days."

"Okay." Xia Weibao responded, bowing his head to drink the medicine.

If he could go outside, then Lu Hualiang had a greater chance of finding her.

After drinking the medicine, Long Xuanye helped to lie down, then guarded by the bed, and then went out when she fell asleep.

He has to make arrangements to take her out so that no one can find out, and he has to arrange the retreat route.

Once they are found, they must be evacuated immediately.

The Aegean Sea is not within the scope of his plan. It has not been deployed before and it is easy to reveal whereabouts.

On this day, Long Xuanye did not come back, Xia Weibao was happy.

After a nap, I went to the window to see the scenery.

Unfortunately, the places Long Xuanye looked for were far away from the crowd, and she could only look at the scenery in the courtyard.

This is a mid-level villa with a nice view.

After looking at it for a while, my waist was a little sore, and I went back to lie down on the bed.

In addition to lying down every day, it is almost moldy.

Gently stroking his belly, talking to the little baby inside, he didn't know where Lu Hualiang was and what he was doing.

When the little maid came over in the evening, Xia Weibao found that the little maid had a strange attitude and seemed to be very defensive towards her.

This little maid used to be smiling, but today she didn't smile, her eyes were a little cold.

Xia Weibao was puzzled, but did not ask.

Although this person took care of her for two months, the two talked little and were not familiar with each other.

As long as it is not poisoned in her meals.

After eating, Xia Weibao took a bath without any entertainment, so she lay in a daze and fell asleep without knowing it.

The dream was still unstable, a **** light, a wailing, blood dyed half of the sky, and the fire burned everything.

The majestic palace is magnificent and magnificent, but it is too heavy to breathe.

Hate, endless hatred, the last sword, blood stained the earth.


Xia Weibao screamed and woke up suddenly, only to realize that it was dawn.

"Why, nightmare?"

There was a man's indifferent voice beside him.

Xia Weibao was taken aback, and turned his head to see Long Xuanye sitting beside the bed with a cold face, looking at her without any warm eyes.

Such cold eyes seemed to have returned to when she was under house arrest, without any emotion.

Xia Weibao was shocked. Such Long Xuanye was terrifying and would lose control at any time.

If only herself, she is not afraid.

But now there is a child in my stomach, and I have to be afraid.

"You...what's wrong with you?" Xia Weibao asked cautiously, covering his stomach with both hands involuntarily.

The defensive action made Long Xuanye's body aura even colder.

The look in his eyes was a bit tingling, and the heart hurt even more.

"You never thought about staying with me, did you."

These days she is very well-behaved and very cooperative. The two get along very happily. He thought that she had begun to accept him and was trying to get along with him.

Unexpectedly, everything is an illusion!

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