Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1844: I never loved you 3

In the end, all her emotions collapsed and she shouted directly.

Hoarse, questioning every word!

Xia Weibao squatted on the ground, crying heartbroken.

The body trembled with extreme anger.

His father was chivalrous throughout his life, and he often took in some homeless orphans. If he knew it was a white-eyed wolf, he would rather Long Xuanye die outside!

Still remembering the regretful look in his father's eyes before he fell, Xia Weibao felt like a knife.

What broke her even more was that her father fell down in front of her, revealing the murderous Long Xuanye behind him.

The sword in Long Xuanye's hand was dripping blood, it was her father's blood.

"Why, Long Xuanye, why did you kill my whole family, why!"

Xia Weibao's hateful gaze, wishing to cut Long Xuanye a thousand swords!

The roaring tone fell in Long Xuanye's ears, staggering back a few steps, and bumping into the back of the sofa embarrassingly.

Facing Xia Weibao's question, he didn't even have the courage to look directly at her.

"I don't want to kill them either, but they prevent me from being with you, and everyone who wants to take you away should die!"

Long Xuanye's eyes were fierce, and after speaking out, the guilt in his heart was replaced by madness.

"You are my fiancée, but they hid you and didn't let me see you. They asked for all this!

Junior sister, you can't blame me for this. If you want to blame, you are not willing to be with me. You are leaving me, and you are hiding from me!

As long as they are dead and you are helpless, I will be your only support in the future, and you will never leave me again! "

"You are a lunatic! Long Xuanye, you are a lunatic!"

"I'm crazy, but I was driven by you when I was crazy! You made me love you, but in the end you abandon me!"

"It was you who married another woman, and you lost me first! I gave you the opportunity to meet you outside the palace, but you missed the appointment and didn't come!

You are greedy for imperial power, you chose Jiangshan and gave up on me!

In the end you blamed me for abandoning you! "Xia Weibao roared!

The extreme anger made her eyes flushed.

Her biggest hatred is to meet this madman!

Long Xuanye's eyes were full of paranoid madness, "The person I want to marry is you! You promised to be my wife, and I successfully regained the country, but you said that you like freedom and refuse to be my queen in the palace.

After the turmoil in the court, you left me again, have you ever wondered how difficult my situation was at that time!

I never thought of abandoning you. Although I didn't attend the appointment that day, I sent someone to deliver the letter to you and let you wait for me.

Sitting on that dragon chair has many things involuntarily. First of all, I have to be an emperor to be myself. I have to stabilize the situation before I can talk about the love of my children!

I don't love that woman. She is the daughter of the Prime Minister of the Three Dynasties. Marrying her is only an expedient measure. When I use the power of the Prime Minister to consolidate the throne, I will naturally abolish her and make you the queen.

I told you all this in the letter, but you left, walked so unsympathetically, you want to cut your kindness with me!

I'm afraid of losing you, even if I know the turmoil of the court, I will be killed by the chaotic party if I leave the palace in that situation, I still desperate to find you.

But you don't see me!

Your father turned me away, everyone in the sect regarded as enemies and said that they would never let me see you again!

They want to separate us, **** it! "

Long Xuanye was emotional, and at the end he could say that his tone was roaring.

He knew that the practice at the time was extreme, and he knew that it was wrong.

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