Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1847: I never loved you 5

Xia Weibao's tone was calm.

I just hate that I was young and ignorant at that time. I couldn't distinguish between love and dependence, nor could I distinguish between love and family.

She was relatively late in her relationship.

I met Long Xuanye two thousand years ago and didn't understand.

I didn't understand when I met Emperor Xia Liang a thousand years ago.

She didn't understand what love is until she passed through this era.

Thinking back to the past two relationships with the current state of mind, I can see clearly who she loves.

Long Xuanye was completely panicked, his face pale as paper.

He was cold and his blood almost solidified.

For these two thousand years, the driving force that supported his lonely search was the feeling between them.

He loves her, she loves him, there are so many beautiful memories between them, as long as they find her, they can still start again.

He knew that after she died, she was reborn and reincarnated, and she had forgotten him for so many lives.

But it doesn't matter, as long as there are those beautiful pasts, he has the confidence to win her heart again.

But she didn't want to. In the end, she told him that she had never loved him.

Then what is his infatuation, what is the two thousand years of persistence.

Is it a joke?

How to accept!

"Junior sister, are you angry with me? Why do you deny our relationship? I know, you are revenge against me, you must be revenge against me.

You are still as cruel as you were two thousand years ago, in order to make me regret it, you will end your life!

Now, in order to make me miserable, even say such ruthless words, so cruel! "

Xia Weibao stood up and became numb after being excited.

Seeing Long Xuanye so painful, there is a kind of pleasure after revenge!

Revenge against him, indeed.

She hates him and can't wait to break him into pieces!

It is her greatest achievement to make him suffer!

It's just that these words are for revenge, but they are also facts.

She has never had children's affection for him!

Facing her indifferent eyes, Long Xuanye suddenly went mad, his eyes were fierce, "You don't love me, then who do you love! Is Lu Hualiang!"


He is ruthless, Xia Weibao is even more ruthless!

Since he wanted to find it unhappy, she would do him well, tear his wound, and sprinkle a handful of salt!

If it hadn't been for being pregnant now, and there can be no fierce fighting, she would have rushed to thwart him!

Speaking of Lu Hualiang, Xia Weibao's expression softened.

"I love him. Only when I met him did I know what it means to love between men and women, and what it means to love each other until death.

He made me feel different from you.

Although I hadn't seen my heart clearly when I first met him, and didn't know I was in love with him, I was willing to do anything for him.

You say that he doesn't love me, can't give me the life I want, just want to imprison my freedom.

But you don't know, he has never really imprisoned me, everything is my voluntary.

Because I love him.

The time I spent with him in the thatched cottage was my happiest time. He asked me to go with him that day. I did not hesitate to abandon the position of the handy martial arts leader and left with him without hesitation.

Before returning to the palace, he told me who I was and asked if I would be his queen.

My first thought at the time was that I would be so boring in the palace in the future, how should I live, I am a wild and big quack girl, one has no education, two has no rules, three don’t know what to know, how to be a mother of the world, will it? Will he be embarrassed if he is looked down upon by the ladies of those dignitaries.

Very nervous and at a loss. "

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