Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1852: Mother and child safety 1

After the wound was treated, Neal took away the disinfectant water and gauze.

Yang Jian walked to Lu Hualiang and saw his embarrassed look. He couldn't help but persuade him, "Master, do you go and take a rest first, Madam Young, I will guard here."

I haven't changed clothes for several days, and there is a smell.

When Neil came back, he just heard these words, and the corners of his eyes twitched imperceptibly.

Xindao Yang Jian was assigned to travel around the world, not without reason!

IQ is so **** touching!

The life and death of the wife and the child are uncertain, how can the master go to rest at this time?

You will guard, so the one inside is not your wife, what's the use of guarding!

After seeing Lu Hualiang, who was already irritable to the extreme, and might be mad at any time, in order to avoid a **** incident in the hospital, Neil quickly walked over and pulled Yang Jian away.

He lowered his voice, "Just say a few words, don't you see the master is in a bad mood?"

"I know, so I persuade the master to take a rest." Yang Jian felt that he was so thinking about the master, what was wrong?

Neil was speechless, "The young lady hasn't gotten out of danger, how could the master leave? Let's get your head out."

Yang Jian thought for a while, and felt that this sentence made sense.

Then he said, "Then you go find a place to rest first, I am in good spirits, just guard the master and the young lady."

Neil complained, "I'm going to wait for my wife."

Yang Jian stunned, "When did Xia Weibao become your wife?"

Oh my God, did Neal cuckold his master!

Neil couldn't bear it and kicked it over, "My wife is Xia Chuyan!!!"

Yang Jian scratched his head and dared not speak.

Because he felt the pressure around him dropped a lot.

Going on, it is estimated that I will go back to the desert to plant trees again.

Neil hurriedly sent the people away and asked him to deal with Long Xuanye.

Xia Weibao had an accident, and the three of them rushed to the hospital, no one stayed to preside over the overall situation, and they didn't know if they caught Long Xuanye.

That man is terrible, if you keep it, there will be endless troubles!

Although Yang Jian was very worried about Xia Weibao, he knew the seriousness of the matter, so he went back to deal with Long Xuanye.

However, he had just walked out of the hospital door when he saw Nan Yi hurriedly approaching.

"How about Xia Weibao, how is she!"

Nan Yi grabbed Yang Jian.

"Still first aid, I will go back to catch Long Xuanye."

"What catch? People ran away early!" Nan Yi dragged Yang Jian to let him lead the way to Xia Weibao.

When Lu Hualiang received Xia Weibao's news, he did not notify him. When he arrived later, Xia Weibao had already been taken away, and Long Xuanye was nowhere to be seen.

He had to rush to the hospital.

At the door of the emergency room, Nan Yi saw Lu Hualiang sitting on the ground slumpingly. There were several blood spots on the wall, and a small pool of blood dripped on the ground.

His heart sank suddenly. He had never seen the impossible Summer showing such a decadent appearance. It seemed that Xia Weibao's condition was very bad.

For his arrival, Lu Hualiang did not look up.

Except for Xia Weibao's news, the sky can't attract his attention even when the sky falls.

Neil walked over and asked Yang Jian why he was back again, only then did he know that Long Xuanye had run away.

Neil was worried.

No one spoke any more, the atmosphere in the corridor was extremely heavy, and everyone was waiting for the results of the emergency room.

The longer the time, the more depressing the atmosphere.

After more than three hours, the door of the emergency room finally opened.

Xia Chuyan came out with a look of fatigue.

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