Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1858: Tender kiss 2

Xia Weibao was so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back. She could have eaten it, but there were three others waiting to be fed.

"Eat slowly." Lu Hualiang was really afraid that she would choke when she saw her gobbling.

"I'm hungry."

"I'll feed you." Lu Hualiang said involuntarily, grabbing the nutritious porridge from her hand.

"Yeah." Xia Weibao smiled.

Before Long Xuanye, he often wanted to feed her, which made her very resistant.

But Lu Hualiang feeds her with joy.

There is indeed a lot of food. The appetite used to be not small, but now it has doubled.

After eating, Xia Chuyan asked people to send in the antifetal medicine. Xia Weibao sniffed, "The prescription prescribed by the second sister?"

This medicine was clearly tailored for her current body, and the heat was just right.

Unless someone is proficient in medicine, he can never do so well.

Except for Xia Chuyan, who can prescribe this kind of prescription, she can't think of anyone else.

"Well, she prescribes it, and she also boils the medicine."

In fact, Xia Chuyan does not need to boil the medicine herself, but she is afraid that others will not be able to boil it awkwardly and will not be able to maximize the effect of the medicine, so she just keeps it and boils it with warm fire.

Xia Weibao felt a little bit, she hadn't seen Xia Chuyan for a long time.

At that time in T city, when I first learned that Xia Chuyan had betrayed her, there was grievance in her heart, and she did not let it go when she left Xia's house.

But now that a long time has passed and I have experienced this time, those unhappy memories have long been forgotten.

Instead, I remember what Xia Chuyan did to her.

After drinking the medicine, Xia Weibao put down the bowl, "It's bitter."

I didn't feel that Chinese medicine was bitter before, but now, she just feels bitter.

Why, someone can act like a baby.

After speaking, he looked at Lu Hualiang pitifully, waiting for his comfort.

Once forgotten the experience two thousand years ago, there was a blank in her heart, so she was incomplete and couldn't see her heart.

There are too many unknowns.

I was afraid that I had loved others, and I was afraid that I would be unfaithful to Lu Hualiang emotionally.

Now, I remember everything, knowing that I have only loved this man from the beginning to the end, and I love this man miserably.

She just wanted to be with him well and stick to him for life and life.

What is strong, not needed.

This is her man, in front of him she can be willful and can be the truest self.

You can act like a baby anytime.

Looking at the aggrieved little eyes, Lu Hualiang's heart softened, "Very bitter?"

Xia Weibao nodded, "Yeah, I'm suffering."

Lu Hualiang took a piece of cane sugar, "I can only eat a little bit."

Pregnant women can't eat too many sweets, and he can't ignore them even while she is.

Xia Weibao bit his hand and smiled crookedly.

She wasn't really afraid of hardship. As a genius doctor, she had never tasted any medicine.

How could you be afraid?

Just want to stick to him.

"Are you still suffering?" Lu Hualiang asked.

Xia Weibao shook his head, "It's not bitter anymore, it's very sweet."

"Really, I'll try it."

Lu Hualiang smiled at the corner of her mouth, held her face in her stunned gaze, and slowly lowered her head.

Holding the two attractive lips, sucking gently, taking her taste.

He wanted to do this since she first woke up.

Just considering that her body can't bear it, so she has been holding back.

Now, finally can't bear it.

He missed her, thinking of bone pain.

Finally, people finally returned to him, the passion came too fast and couldn't control it.

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