Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1862: In the next life, never see each other 1

Lu Hualiang got up early to prepare on the day he was discharged from the hospital.

First, feed her breakfast, drink anti-fetal medicine, and then do a detailed physical examination to ensure that the body can fly.

Although there is a room on the private jet to let her lie down, flying at high altitude is not a joke.

An adult can withstand air pressure, but her fetus is not necessarily.

"Husband, I don't want to eat anymore." Xia Weibao frowned, she almost threw up after eating.

Lu Hualiang was holding a bowl of soup and coaxing softly, "Be good, eat more."

For four people, how about eating so little?

Xia Weibao felt sick when she smelled the greasy smell.

In the past two days, Lu Hualiang really changed her way to replenish her body, and the pigs were not fed like this.

Xia Weibao shook his head, covering his chest, feeling sick.

It stands to reason that it is almost three months, morning sickness should have been reduced, but she is getting more and more serious.

This pregnancy was the most difficult one. A thousand years ago, it was not that uncomfortable to be pregnant with six.

Seeing her hard work, Lu Hualiang couldn't bear it and hurriedly brought apple sauce.

"Have some applesauce and press it down."

Xia Weibao took a sip and finally suppressed the nausea.

"Husband, when shall we go home."

She can't wait to fly back right now. There are many people in Lu Yuan and many things. Lu Hualiang can't guard her every day and force her to drink this and that.

It is really happy to think about it.

But I don't know that returning to Luyuan is the beginning of feeding the pigs!

There are mothers and mother-in-laws, it's strange to let her go!

"After breakfast, go for a checkup, and then go back."

As soon as Lu Hualiang finished speaking, the phone rang a dizzy alarm.

Xia Weibao frowned, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, the phone rang, maybe it's work. You have some applesauce first, I'll answer the call."

Lu Hualiang said gently, put the bowl in front of her, then touched her head, calmly and calmly.

It was as if it was really an ordinary phone.

"How did you change the ringtone?" She remembered that his previous ringtone was pure music.

No one is afraid of being scared if someone uses the alarm as a bell.

She didn't doubt the others, after all, the voice did come from his mobile phone.

But I don't know that Lu Hualiang's mobile phone is not only a mobile phone, but also a security system!

"This kind of ringtone will not miss the call." He said with a smile.

Then stand up and walk towards the balcony.

The moment he turned around, the tenderness in his eyes disappeared and was replaced by sharpness.

Someone attacked his security system and wanted to break into it!

Walked to the balcony and called Yang Jian who was in charge of the defense below, only then did he know that Long Xuanye was here.

Bring someone into force!

Lu Hualiang's aura soared instantly!

The murderous aura is overwhelming, making the air around him become murderous.

Long Xuanye!

Before he went to find him, he dared to send it to the door!

"Nan Yi."

Lu Hualiang glanced at the ward, Xia Weibao was eating applesauce with a look of disgust, and a lot of hostility disappeared.

The heart is soft.

He wanted to go down to meet Long Xuanye, but he didn't worry about her alone.

"Nan Yi was not there. Long Xuanye's whereabouts were found in the morning. Nan Yi took people to chase after him. Unexpectedly, it was to move the tiger away from the mountain. Long Xuanye's real purpose was the hospital!"

Lu Hualiang's eyes slowly narrowed, and Long Xuanye personally led someone to come over. Is it possible that he wanted to take Xia Weibao away from under his eyelids?

That man, don't you think too much of yourself!

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