Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1877: President Lu was also hacked

Lu Hualiang's face turned black and gorgeous.

It's not good to have a wife who is a star. He just wants to accompany his wife. He doesn't know how many eyes are being stared at!

A mobile phone that had won Xia Weibao, "Get a good rest, what kind of mobile phone do pregnant women use!"

Xia Weibao, "..."

Can't pregnant women play on mobile phones? Who said, come and confront her!

"You don't care about this matter." Lu Hualiang said coldly.

"My husband is bored." Xia Weibao was wronged.

Let him sit for a whole day and see if he can survive!

"Sleep when you're bored."

"Too much sleep, can't sleep."

Lu Hualiang turned around and carried in a pile of books, "Look, when you finish reading these, the child is probably born."

Looking at the half-person-high financial books, Xia Weibao took one and flipped through it. It was very good, just like the heavenly book, he couldn't understand a word.

"I'd better sleep."

After talking about lying down obediently, what I was thinking about was how to get a mobile phone for fun.

It's been a long time since I played the game, I really miss it.

Lu Hualiang stared at her and fell asleep for a while before going outside to handle official duties.

The celebrity cheating would have caused a huge sensation, especially that person was Xia Weibao, and three of them were exposed at once!

The result can be imagined!

What kind of shameless Yang Hua was born with shameless bones all put on her.

There are so many scoldings.

When the gems saw their goddess being hacked again, they naturally rolled up their sleeves.

Suddenly hugged again.

Lu Hualiang didn't read the comments that were not nutritious.

Xia Weibao was hacked all the way, he was immune to it, anyway, there was nothing wrong with it.

What he cares most about is the person behind the news.

There was a person staring at his wife steadily, and Mr. Lu said he was very upset.

If he is upset, some people will be miserable.

Picking up the phone, I was trying to get someone out of the back, but I didn't want the call to be made yet, and there was new news on the Internet.

【Shock! The western man is actually the boss of Lu! Mr. Lu actually sent his wife to someone else's bed for the company! 】

Lu Hualiang's eyes slowly narrowed, and he probably scanned the report.

Actually took out the identity of Summer, the largest family in power in the West!

The Yanxia Group has always been mysterious, especially in China. Except for a very small number of people in the top and upper class, other people, even ordinary giants, do not know the situation of this group.

So when the news first came out, many people were dumbfounded.

But soon someone opened the Yanxia Group. Of course, they could find very little news, only knowing that it was a powerful existence like a giant.

No. 1 in the West!

What is most concerning is that when the Lu Group was still in Lu Changcheng's hands, it encountered a major economic crisis and almost went bankrupt.

Finally it was acquired by Yanxia Group.

In other words, the current Lu Group is not of the Lu Family, but of the Yanxia Group!

But Xia Weibao is with the chairman of Yanxia Group, and the twists and turns inside are intriguing.

Netizens immediately made up an epic-level love-hate drama and conspiracy theory.

In order to keep his position, Lu Hualiang sent his wife to the boss' bed Yunyun.

After reading it, Mr. Lu said, "..."

The face is gorgeous and black, it is unreasonable!

He is like a soft rice man!

This tone is absolutely unbearable!

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