Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 188: It's pretty hard to blow up Lu Yuan

The subordinates who were still waiting to get out in the prison wanted to cry without tears.

Master, how did I know that it was the young lady's room.

He has deliberately avoided the master bedroom and chose a guest room exclusively.

Who knows that you **** separated from the young lady!

Lu Hua's air was not going well.

Here again, it feels like hitting the stone on the foot.

I knew it was so difficult to go home, so I shouldn't have left in anger.

At four o'clock in the morning, a phone call called Yang Li.

Yang Li stood in the president's office with panda eyes and stared at the man sitting behind the office.

Three times in my heart, this is my master, I can't be angry, this is my master, I can't be angry, this is my master, I can't be angry.

Then he recited the meditation mantra three times silently, finally suppressing the exploding temper.

Nima comes to work at four in the morning! ! !

Master, even if you are driven out of the house by the young lady, you are empty and lonely, don't toss me.

Even if I was abused by you during the day, I won't be able to get my blood back in the middle of the night!

If you want me to die, just take a shot!

Lu Hualiang stared at Yang Li with a gloomy expression, "find a way to let me go home."

Although Yang Li was unreliable, he had chased a few women, and his experience should be better than him.

Yang Li's forty centimeter long knife has been out of its sheath!

Quickly dig out his wallet and glanced at the photo of Yang Jian being chased by a group of penguins.

Then silently took the knife back.

He hasn't married Bai Fumei to the pinnacle of life and can't die.

But I still want to curse mom's mental retardation!

If you want to go home, just pull the salute and drive back, can't you just think of a way?

If it is troublesome to salute, then drive a car and go back. Anyway, what you have at home is clothes.

Master, are you a three-year-old child who does not recognize the way, or is mentally retarded and can’t drive?

"Master, you can go straight back."

Lu Hualiang looked cold, "I don't want face."

Yang Li, "..."

Yes, Tsundere's disease has committed again.

I really want to yell, is the face important or the wife important! ! !

Looking at the photo of Yang Jian being chased by a penguin again, he suppressed the urge to kill people.

Then he smiled and came up with an idea, "Master, you can make some accidents, and then have to ask you, the head of the family, to go home and deal with it."

Speaking of this, the air-conditioning on Lu Hualiang's body instantly filled the entire office.

The head of the family?

Now the head of Lu Yuan's family has become that woman!

Thinking of what happened last night, the surrounding cold is even more raging.

Yang Li was a little dazed, but he was fine just now, why did he change his face all at once?

Suddenly I remembered the news I heard before going to bed. One of his subordinates went to Lu Yuan to steal something, but was beaten by Xia Weibao and sent to the police station.

Yang Li's eyes widened in an instant. Couldn't that person be arranged by the master?

How stupid is this to arrange for someone to steal things from that woman Xia Weibao?

Nima's people can even pick up the license plate and go to mess with her.

Yang Li wiped his sweat, master, your intelligence, how come you met the young lady and turned into a negative number?

As a good assistant of twenty-four filial piety, Yang Li gave advice very kindly.

"Master, the young lady is so powerful, she can definitely cope with the usual methods, or should we blow up your house?"

No matter how powerful Xia Weibao is, it is impossible to withstand the power of explosives, right?

If she can handle explosives, you don't have to go back, master.

His wife is so powerful, it is already blessed by the heavens not to be beaten to death, she is the only one who can sleep!

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