Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1883: President Lu really domineering 2

Not much has changed, she is still dominated by her cheating scandal.

The comments below are very ugly.

——Xia Bitch is really immoral. Even after marrying, she hooks up everywhere. She is profane and shameless.

——Tsk tsk, marrying a wealthy family and playing so crazy, this is only a few months, I actually cheated on three men, I went, it’s too terrible, right?

——Mr. Lu is not a good thing, he actually put his wife in another man's bed for profit!

——What rich family, bah, the love between princess and prince does not exist. These people only have interests and no love in their eyes. They look glamorous but dirty, but they are so handsome but have a hypocritical heart. It is really disgusting.

——This is a wealthy family. It's not as good as ordinary people. It's terrible. If you say that you sleep with other men with a woman, wouldn't you think it should

——Who knows, the water of the rich is deep, maybe people are just like this, it’s not impossible to share a woman...

——Tsk Tsk, President Lu and Xia Weibao showed off their affection before, but now they’re face-slapped, they are all pretended

——Xia Bitch is pregnant at this time, who do you think is the baby in her belly?

——This is hard to say. After all, three men slept all at once and dragged our actor Han into the water. What a shame! That’s what the presidential daughter’s accomplishment is? How did Madam Lingyi teach her daughter?

——Yes, what kind of family can teach such a daughter, and can such a family really become president...

The more I read, the more ugly the comments below, Xia Weibao looked raging.

I was about to call Sanji to black out these people.

However, it was discovered that the reviews are rapidly decreasing.

All the abusive comments were deleted one by one, and I don't know whether it was deleted by myself or on Weibo.

As those comments decreased, another hot search was slowly topped up.


Xia Weibao was puzzled, but what did this mean.

When I clicked on the topic, I discovered that many people had received the lawyer's letter from the Lu Group.

The reason is naturally the crime of defamation.

Those keyboard guys complained endlessly, and they did a lot of insulting things on the Internet. It can be said that they are enjoying themselves. The dark stars of the upper class people can make them feel very enjoyable.

Anyway, across the screen, no one knows who they are, and there is no legal responsibility.

It's a big deal, I opened a trumpet and continued to smash, and I never missed it.

I didn't expect to kick the iron this time!

No one knows who they are across the screen. The problem is that many of them are hackers, who have revealed their true identities!

Then, a lawyer's letter came.

Generally, those who act as keyboard man on the Internet are unsatisfactory in life and psychologically unbalanced, so they express their maliciousness to society through the keyboard.

These people are the most timid and fearful. Where have they seen a lawyer's letter?

The Lu Group was wealthy again, and they all sued all at once.

At this moment, all those people were trembling with fright and hurried to delete the comment by themselves.

Those who hadn't received the lawyer's letter were also shocked. They secretly deleted and wrote off their numbers, just hoping not to be taken out by human flesh.

Seeing these keyboard guys who are rampant on the Internet on weekdays are like grandsons of tortoises, they dare not put a fart, Xia Weibao only feels relieved!

Her husband is domineering, let you scold you, thinking that you don't need to be responsible for online comments, now I'm scared.

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