Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1886: I chopped off Nan Yi's lifeblood 1

The empress felt that she should say something now, but she really didn't know what to say.

His eyes looked straight at Sanji, whose gaze made Sanji feel as if he was not wearing clothes, staring so tightly!

"Husband, what are you looking at."

"So many phones, where do you hide?"

Xia Weibao's eyes fell on her proud chest.

After thinking about it, there are only so many things hidden here. It looks so attractive, isn't it fake?

Sanji's scalp numb, "What do you think, my old lady, this is real! Really!!!"

"Really, where do you hide everything?"

Sanji rolled his eyes upright, "What are a dozen mobile phones? My old lady is in charge of hiding things."

With that, he touched his back with his hand, and then pulled out a small computer.

Xia Weibao's eyes twitched, okay, she was so strange that she was rare.

"You stole these phones, right? Give them to me."

"No, no, what is stolen, someone else stole it, I just took it away."

Xia Weibao, "..."

There is a difference.

"Why do you want so many phones."

Sanji was a little puzzled when Xia Weibao stuffed one of them under the bed.

"My husband doesn’t let me play with the mobile phone. I hide a few more and play slowly. Help me hide one in the boots. That’s right. Then put this on the closet and put another under the table. Give me a pair of scissors and a pillow. The core has been removed and hidden..."

Three chickens, "..."

Hidden in Tibet, playing with a mobile phone has to be wit and courage, and no one has lived this day.

"Husband, I said you were too miserable. What's the use of such an overbearing and authoritarian man? It's better to dump him and let us live together.

Don’t worry, I’m very good at making money. Life will never be worse than Lulu, and I’m free. I can go wherever I want, fight when I want to fight, and kill when I want to kill. It just so happens that there are children, and I can teach them. Fighting, playing guns, stealing, and being a hacker, don’t say anything else, at least the children I taught, the king who beats the king will definitely not be bronze! "

It sounds tempting in the front, but what the **** is the sentence in the back!

The empress's face was reddish, "No need, I can teach them to beat the king."

Sanji immediately looked at her with a look like your husband are you kidding.

After hiding the phone, Xia Weibao took one and went online to watch the follow-up of the scandal.

With Lu Hualiang sitting in town, her scandals are nothing, and she doesn't care.

And she will not be active on the big screen in the past year, and then the popularity of all scandals will drop.

Mainly look at the follow-up of Zhuang Xuejun and Han Luoqi.

Han Luoqi has already clarified that, to be honest, Zhuang Xuejun could not contact Xia Weibao, so he could only contact Han Luoqi for information.

As for why I stayed overnight to understand the situation, let those netizens guess slowly.

Anyway, there is no follow-up development, and there is no real hammer, and they can't make any waves.

Moreover, the recent hot searches have been so lively and there are few people following them, and it has gradually faded away.

Knowing that Zhuang Xuejun was not affected, Xia Weibao was relieved.

"By the way, why did you come today?" Xia Weibao asked.

It was really unexpected that Sanji would come to Lu Yuan to see her.

Because Lu Hualiang didn't seem to approve of her being mixed with Sanji, for fear that she would be taken away.

She feels that this kind of thinking is completely unnecessary!

Is she the kind of person who can be taken badly?

Surely not, she was already bad.

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