Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1889: Live in Lu Yuan together, it's lively now

Lu Hualiang cursed secretly, as expected, he couldn't let the woman Sanji approach his wife!

I have never wanted her to know about Nan Yi, but now I am still being stabbed out.

"Husband, why don't you speak?"

Lu Hualiang recovered from his thoughts, "Remember the biochemical man I told you about, he is full of viruses in his body and is very unstable. The last time I was seriously injured, it seems to have worsened."

Xia Weibao was slightly surprised, so serious!

Seeing that Nan Yi was able to fight so well, he would fight whenever he saw people. I thought he was in good health.

But thinking of his abnormal face like a vampire, he should be strong outside and inside.

Also, power beyond ordinary people must also pay a price!

"Then do you think I should save him."

She doesn't have a good impression of Nan Yi, and the man tried to kill her several times.

He beat her concubine again, not wanting to save it at all.

However, the hatred between Nan Yi and Lu Hualiang was caused by the mutation of the virus. If she can be cured, will they be able to reconcile?

"Do you want to save." Lu Hualiang threw the question back.

Don't want to save!

This was Xia Weibao's first thought. She had no affection for Nan Yi.

However, considering the bad relationship between Lu Hualiang and Nanyi, this is an opportunity to resolve.

To be honest, in this century, her thoughts have been stuck in ancient times, and modern things are ignorant, and they have not been able to help him much.

Always want to do something for him.

"If I cure him, will the hatred between you be resolved?"

One more friend is better than one more enemy.

Lu Hualiang was startled, "You don't have to think about me, do what you want to do."

"That's it."

It happens that this time is boring, and it's not bad to find a patient to pass the time.

Otherwise, her medical skills will rust.

Lu Hualiang thought for a while, and said, "During your capture by Long Xuanye, Nan Yi has been helping you find you."

In fact, he didn't want her to know this incident at all, it would increase her goodwill towards Nan Yi.

She is a very affectionate person, and the kind of dripping grace should be repaid by the spring. Knowing that Nan Yi helped her, the previous grievances will probably be forgotten.

If she treats Nan Yi, she will know sooner or later.

Instead of letting Nan Yi take this incident to claim her credit and increase the relationship with her, it is better for him to say in advance.

Sure enough, Xia Weibao reacted a little when he heard this, "You said Nan Yi helped me?"

"Yeah, I have been working on your business for more than two months, but you don't have to worry too much. If you can cure his illness, you can forget it."

Xia Weibao thinks about it, how can the life-saving grace be enough for him to help?

So I stopped thinking about it.

Lu Hualiang turned around and showed a successful smile.

Except for him, no one wants to take a place in his wife's heart!

Because Xia Weibao's body is too poor and it is now in the recuperation stage, it is impossible for her to treat it now.

Lu Hualiang meant that he had to wait for the fetus to be five months old. As for whether Nan Yi suddenly deteriorated and died during this month, it was completely out of his consideration.

It’s best to die.

Nan Yi was itchy with hatred, but there was no way.

When it was the fifth month, Nan Yi happily packed up all the salutes, and then moved into Lu Yuan, famed as it was convenient for treatment.

But Sanji stayed in without saying a word.

She wants to help keep an eye on Nan Yi's dead pervert!

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