Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1896: Sanji is really a cruel person! 2

Xia Weibao was puzzled, "Then what do you want?"

Sanji snapped his fingers and was waiting for this sentence!

"God should be fair. Since he opened a door, then the window should be closed, right?

I mean, when you treat him, can you move your hands and feet? "

"For example?" Xia Weibao raised an eyebrow.

"For example, you can give him some side effects, such as putting croton in the medicine, let him pull it 30 times a day, or get some allergy medicine to make him itchy but not scratching, or get some sequelae, don't lift it, or become a mother What do you think of it?"

The empress did not know what to say.

She felt that Sanji must have an antagonism with Nan Yi!

Otherwise, how could it be so cruel!

"I will think about it."

He remembered Lu Hualiang's discovery that she had hidden her mobile phone in private, and he didn't know if he was angry and whether he would settle accounts with her when he returned tonight.

So Xia Weibao sent three chickens, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to Lu Hualiang.

Xia Weibao: Husband, are you busy? [Smile] [Smile]

Lu Hualiang was in a meeting. When he was training people, the mobile phone on the desk made a ding sound. The sound was not loud, but it was still very clear in a quiet environment where everyone did not dare to come out.

Everyone looked over and was a little curious, the big boss didn’t turn on his mobile phone for a meeting today?

You know, their big boss meeting is very serious, who dares to interrupt Kill Wuxue!

The man with a cold face glanced at the phone, and then his stern expression softened suddenly.

Everyone thought it was dazzled!

Lu Hualiang opened the phone page.

Lu Hualiang: At a meeting.

Xia Weibao: Oh, then you are busy, I won't bother you.

Lu Hualiang: It's almost over, what's the matter?

Xia Weibao: It's not a big deal, just... the kids miss you.

Xia Weibao thought it over and sent it, hoping that he would care about the child's face and don't be angry with her.

Lu Hualiang frowned, feeling a touch of loss in his heart.

Lu Hualiang: Well, I see, tell the babies that Dad is in a meeting and go back to see them at night.

Xia Weibao held his head thinking, does this mean to be angry or not?

After hesitating, she sent another message.

With a ding sound, Lu Hualiang's phone rang again.

Click to open it, Xia Weibao: I miss you too.

Lu Hua stood up abruptly. "The meeting is over!"

Then, I stopped the half-opened meeting, left the company's top executives, and left quickly.

The daughter-in-law said that she missed him, no matter where she could sit still, she could not wait to plug her wings and fly back to find her!

After the message was sent, there was no reply. Xia Weibao couldn't help being a little disappointed. It seemed that he was really angry.

When she said that the child missed him, she would reply, and she would not reply when she said she missed him.

When you are in a bad mood, open Weibo and check the news to see what gossip is going on today.

It was discovered that the hot search was actually Han Luoqi and Zhuang Xuejun!

Some people took photos of Han Luoqi and Zhuang Xuejun together many times, and even one group was still in the middle of the night when Han Luoqi sent Zhuang Xuejun home, and the two wore couple costumes!

At this moment, the matter of the two being secretly dating can be said to be a real deal!

However, the parties concerned have never given a positive response.

Aroused greater heated discussion!

Han Luoqi has few scandals, it can be said that there are no scandals, except for Xia Weibao's time, he has almost never had scandals with other actresses.

This time I was frequently photographed with a female star who has already retired. Is it really together?

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