Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1900: Zhuang Xuejun is pregnant 1

She is pregnant with triplets and her belly is bigger than that of normal pregnant women.

Only six months, it looks like seven months.

Moreover, she is very thin, and the three children need too much nutrition, even if she has worked hard to nourish, she is still not enough.

People look thinner than they were before.

With such a thin body, but with a big belly, I'm really afraid that she will lose weight and fall.

Zhong Wanshu and Yan Lingyi were very nervous. Every time Xia Weibao walked, they had to let two people support each other, like a Lafayette.

During this period of time, Xia Weibao was busy studying Nan Yi's condition. He had something to do, but he was less dependent on mobile phones. He seldom paid attention to the dynamics on the Internet.

Today I had a checkup, and when I waited for the results, I was a little boring, so I took out my mobile phone and checked the Internet news.

However, it was discovered that Han Luoqi and an actress had a scandal!

She was a pure-looking actress, she looked like she was in her early twenties, wearing a pink jacket, with long straight black hair hanging behind her head, standing beside the unruly Han Luoqi, let alone, she was a good match.

Xia Weibao frowned, who is this actress? I don't have any impression at all.

After scanning the content below, I realized that the actress is called An Siwen, the new debut artist of Emperor Entertainment Media and the younger sister of Han Luoqi.

It is said that it is the newcomer that Diyu has been touting recently, so the brothers and sisters of Diyu are very helpful to her.

The first movie on the show was played by Han Luoqi, An Siwen is the third female, and Han Luoqi took special care of this younger sister.

They are often photographed by paparazzi and they attend various occasions together. Every time Han Luoqi takes care of An Siwen.

After two visits, the scandal spread.

Recently, a paparazzi took photos of Han Luoqi sending An Siwen back to the apartment, as well as two people entering and leaving the hotel together.

This time, it can be said that the romance has been settled.

The two sides neither admitted nor denied these scandals.

A reporter once blocked Han Luoqi and asked about his relationship with An Siwen. He said, "Wenwen is a newcomer with great potential and hard work, please support her."

"Wenwen is a simple and kind girl, indeed the type I like."

When I asked An Siwen, he didn't give a positive answer.

"Brother Luo is a very considerate and powerful senior. He takes good care of me and will try to match Luo Ge in the future."

When faced with reporters asking whether she was in a relationship with Han Luoqi, An Siwen just covered her mouth and chuckled, "This question is not convenient to disclose."

Then it was exposed.

The two men's ambiguous attitude gave the reporters plenty of time to think.

The reporters didn't think the matter was too big, and finally spread the message, and almost settled the relationship.

By bundling Han Luoqi's hype, coupled with the vigorous operation of God Entertainment Media, An Siwen quickly became popular from a newcomer who just debuted. In just one month, she has leapt to the second line and is approaching the first line.

Become the most popular actress in recent years after Cheng Xia Weibao!

It has also become the biggest dark horse this year, and its popularity has remained high.

Xia Weibao became more confused as she watched. Didn't Han Luoqi preach an affair with Zhuang Xuejun before? Where did this An Siwen come out?

What about Zhuang Xuejun, she hasn't heard from this time, so where did she go?

Zhuang Xuejun hasn't contacted her this month. She thought she was in love with Han Luoqi and didn't have time to care about her.

Xia Weibao touched her nose, as if she was thinking too much.

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