Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1909: Whose child is 4

"Okay, I asked Fu Bo to buy both copies and give her one, and then I also asked the hospital to take care of her during her physical examination. Zhuang Xuejun was born as a child star and has been in the society for so many years. He is better than your newcomer. The ancients are much more sophisticated.

What should be done and what should not be done, and what she will face in the future when raising this child alone, she must know what to worry about.

Instead of worrying about others, it is better to think about our children and take care of your body. "

Xia Weibao groaned, she was worried.

In front of Zhuang Xuejun's house is a courtyard with high street lights.

The light came down, but because of the shadow, the angle of the gate was a little dark.

In the dim, the light on the phone screen has been bright for an entire hour, accompanied by the man's grumpy growl.

"Have you found it, a bunch of trash!"

"Go and check the registration records of major hotels and bars, hurry up! Also, check the admission records of all hospitals in the Imperial City."

"Hey, the police station, I want to call the police, my friend is missing, yes, how long has he been missing? How do I know that the case cannot be filed in less than 24 hours? Not a police comrade, it is already ten o'clock, and a girl has not returned home. I can’t get through the phone. I can’t open a case yet? Are you all cold-blooded..."

"Who am I? I am Han Luoqi, no, I really am Han Luoqi, I have no delusional disorder, no, are you scolding me? How can the police scold people casually... What disturbs official affairs, my friend is really missing... Look What doctor, why should I see a doctor if I am not sick...Hello, hello, hello?"

After being hung up by the police station, and being scolded for fantasizing that he was Han Luoqi or not having a mental illness, the actor Han Da was so angry that he wanted to scold someone!

You are sick, and your whole family is sick!

I rang the doorbell a few more times, but no one opened the door, and the room was dark.

Han Luoqi was in a hurry, ringing the bell while making a phone call, listening to the busy tone of the machine inside saying shut down, he was so angry that he wanted to smash the phone!

In fact, he didn't know how many times the phone was smashed by him, but he picked it up again and continued to play.

When Zhuang Xuejun walked to the courtyard, what he saw was Han Luoqi walking back and forth in front of her house with a mobile phone.

He kept cursing something.

After walking back and forth twice and scratching his hair several times, it can be seen that he is very irritable at this time.

"Luo Qi?" Zhuang Xuejun called out tentatively. When he saw the man's face, he became even more puzzled, "What are you doing in front of my house?"

Seeing her return, Han Luoqi strode up, "Where have you been!"

The voice is a bit loud, it can be said to be a roar.

The expression on his face was also surprisingly angry, the elaborate hairstyle was scratched and his eyes were bloodshot because of his eagerness.

Zhuang Xuejun was frightened by him and forgot to speak for a while.

Only then did Han Luoqi realize that he had lost his temper, and hurriedly converged his expression, shoveling the phone into his pocket casually.

With his hands in his pockets, his toes kicked the ground casually.

The posture is casual, and the drawn face is indifferent and alienated.

"It's okay. I came out for a walk at night and found that your house's light was not on, so I came over and have a look."

Zhuang Xuejun was a little confused. Although they lived in the same community, she was in the east and he was in the west.

This community is very large and there is a sports field in the middle. He also goes to the sports field if he wants to run. How could he come to her side.

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