Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1916: Demonstration 3

Without raising her head, Zhuang Xuejun said lightly, "It's just a name, Miss An is free."

"Senior Sister, I believe you also guessed what I came here today. If that's the case, then I won't be ambiguous."

"I guess you came from? Miss An laughed. If I remember correctly, this is the first time we have met. I'm sorry I don't have mind-reading skills. I may not be able to communicate with Miss An."

An Siwen was choked, and Zhuang Xuejun's careless attitude made her feel like a jumping clown.

People don't take her seriously, but they regard themselves as an onion.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the unhappiness in her heart, An Siwen continued, "I know that Zhuang Xuejun and Luo Qi have faded out of a relationship. The news on the Internet is not a scandal, but a fact.

However, since you have broken up, please stop pestering him. "

"Am I pestering him?" Zhuang Xuejun thought it was funny. When did she pester Han Luoqi?

"Yes, Senior Sister should know the relationship between Luo Qi and me now."

"Are you dating him?"

"Yes." An Siwen is extremely proud, "Luo Qi is now my boyfriend, you and him are things in the past after all, so I also ask the senior sister to respect yourself and don't be a mistress who is involved in other people's feelings!"

This is a serious statement.

Even though Zhuang Xuejun has a good temper and is very indifferent to people and things, he feels a little unhappy at this time.

She still had that calm smile on her face, but her eyes were a little cold.

"Did Miss An misunderstand something? When did I pester Han Luoqi?"

An Siwen was a little annoyed, "If you don't pester him, why do you even tell him about things like this aunt!"

Just on the set, she saw Han Luoqi making a phone call, so she pretended to pass by accidentally, just in time to hear him say softly, take a good rest and drink plenty of hot water during the period.

Then he turned around and went to his dedicated makeup artist, pulled down his face and asked the girl what to pay attention to when she came to her period.

She has a strong sense of crisis.

If a man even cares about a woman's period, what it means is self-evident.

Because of Han Luoqi's care, she went smoothly from the beginning of her debut, and she climbed up quickly, and her popularity rose faster than those artists who debuted for several years.

Backed by the big tree Han Luoqi, how could she let others destroy it!

Moreover, such a man...

Thinking of Han Luoqi's handsome and compelling face, An Siwen's heartbeat could not be controlled twice quickly.

Such a man who exudes endless charm, as long as it is a woman, can't resist it?

Zhuang Xuejun pursed her lips. It turned out that An Siwen had heard the call just now.

I don't want to bother with the unreasonable An Siwen, this impulsive and brainless woman is destined to not go far in the entertainment industry.

Had it not been for Han Luoqi to bind CP, he would have been killed long ago.

However, thinking of contacting Han Luoqi after breaking up is indeed wrong, and if she is An Siwen, she will be angry.

So she said calmly, "Not anymore."

She did not say that it was Han Luoqi who called her, which would only add fuel to the fire.

My boyfriend called his ex-girlfriend, and he was also concerned about private matters such as menstruation. It is estimated that An Siwen will explode.

An Siwen coldly said, "Senior Sister, do you mean to admit that you have been pestering Luo Qi?"

Zhuang Xuejun frowned slightly, her expression full of displeasure.

She was just trying to calm things down, and also said that she would never contact Han Luoqi again, but this An Siwen was aggressive, which made her very upset.

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