Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1918: The empress has a big hair 1

Han Luoqi was a little embarrassed when he was asked, she squeezed the thermos cup in her hand, hesitated for a while, and stretched forward.

"I heard that it is better for women to drink some brown sugar water during their menstrual holidays. It just happened that today the crew had brown sugar water on the filming road. I brought it back for you by the way.

He looked natural, and tried to show that he was just passing by.

Zhuang Xuejun was startled, such a coincidence?

Thinking of An Siwen's sudden visit to her today, she suddenly understood.

She did not pick up the thermos cup he handed over, nor did she let him in. Instead, she stood at the door and chuckled.

It was obviously a very gentle smile, but Han Luoqi saw the playfulness, as if all his thoughts had been seen through.

A little embarrassed.

He stretched out the thermos cup again, "Do you want it? I will dump it if you don't want it."

"Well, then dump it."

When most people hear this kind of problem, they will take the opportunity, so Han Luoqi has subconsciously handed the thermos cup to her.

The hindsight reacted, caught off guard, and the outstretched hand froze directly.

"What did you say?" He was a little incredulous, did he hear it wrong.

Zhuang Xuejun licked the broken hair on his forehead, but didn't make a slight twist.

Asked straightforwardly, "Han Luoqi, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean, don't you think that this brown sugar water was specially cooked for you? Shit, have I been so free? I said it was the crew..."

In Zhuang Xuejun's insightful eyes, his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally couldn't say anything.

Lack of confidence.

I had to say embarrassingly, "I saw you live alone, I'm afraid you are uncomfortable and want to take care of it..."

"Luo Qi, what are you doing?" Zhuang Xuejun asked with a smile.

She is not a sluggish woman, and she has no interest in getting involved in other people's feelings.

Han Luoqi looked embarrassed, "I said it was a crew prop, I just brought it back."

Such embarrassment made his mood a little irritable and his voice raised a little higher.

"How did this brown sugar water come from? I don't want to know, Luo Qi, we have broken up, or did you break up first and forgot?"

Han Luoqi was speechless for a while, his mouth opened and closed several times, and he couldn't say a word.

Indeed, he mentioned the breakup...

Thinking of this, I was suddenly very irritable and some faint pain.

Like a thorn in the bottom of my heart, it is not the sharp pain, but it is very uncomfortable.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Zhuang Xuejun continued, "You are the one who asked for a try, and you are the one who finally broke up. I haven't made any comments from the beginning to the end.

Now that everything goes back to the past, what do you mean?

Repentant again? Han Luoqi, do you think that I am helpless, Zhuang Xuejun, will be played by your young master? "

"I didn't mean it!"

Han Luoqi was anxious, wanted to explain, but didn't know how to explain it.

He never thought of playing with her feelings.

That night, he was drunk and did something wrong, and he would bear the responsibility. It was she who didn't want to, so he proposed to try to fall in love.

He rushed to get married, otherwise he wouldn't have the idea of ​​taking her home to see her parents.

It's just that good luck makes people.

There was a pain in Han Luoqi's eyes, knowing that she had misunderstood, but could not explain.

Finally, I had to lower my head, "I'm sorry..."

Apart from this sentence, he didn't know what else to say to her.

He ruined her innocence, but he could not give her a future.

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