Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1921: Empress' hair bounced 4

That night, Xia Weibao suffered from insomnia.

I can't sleep anyhow.

She wanted to turn over, but her stomach was too big to turn over, and she had to fix her posture, which made her very uncomfortable.

Lu Hualiang looked distressed.

"Wife, why don't you sleep." I slept well before.

"Husband, I always think that Xuejun has something to do with the child's father?"

Lu Hualiang scolded Zhuang Xuejun secretly for making his wife unable to sleep.

I really want to wipe out all the friends around her!

From now on, she only sees him in her heart, how good it is.

"If you are really worried, just send someone to check it out. Wife will go to bed. Aren't you tired?"

"But I promised Xuejun not to investigate her."

Lu Hualiang pursed his lips, "I'll check, and then tell you it's okay, so it won't be counted as your checking."

Empress Empress thought this attention was very good, so she readily agreed.

Lu Hualiang breathed a sigh of relief and helped her adjust her sleeping position, then gently patted her back, coaxing people to sleep like a child.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't sleep, but she definitely can't.

There are three more in my stomach, and I must rest well.

Lu Hualiang was very efficient, and the next day he handed over the results of the investigation to Xia Weibao.

When she saw that Zhuang Xuejun and Han Luoqi had been dating for a while, and the child's father was Han Luoqi, she opened her mouth slightly in shock, and then stretched out her hand to cover it.

Oh my God, these two people have been together before, and they kept secrets so tightly!

Going down, I saw that the two broke up within two months of their relationship, because of An Siwen.

Xia Weibao's mind was blank for a moment, and then burned with anger.

Depend on you Han Luoqi, scumbag!

He made Zhuang Xuejun's belly bigger, and then dumped the man and ran to love other women!

Outrageous, dare to bully her concubine!

Especially Han Luoqi still let An Siwen go to Zhuang Xuejun's troubles, she couldn't bear it!

Whether he knew it or not, in the eyes of the empress, since An Siwen was Han Luoqi's girlfriend, she went to Zhuang Xuejun, it was Han Luoqi who let it go!

I'm mad at her, I'm mad at her!

One or two people who bullied her when she was pregnant and kept behind closed doors!

Thinking of Zhuang Xuejun being pregnant alone and having to face the scandals between Han Luoqi and An Siwen every day, the empress's heart hurts.

Wherever I can sit still, murderously I must go to Han Luoqi to settle accounts!

She must seek justice for Zhuang Xuejun!

Holding a ball about to run out, Lu Yuan was frightened up and down.

"Madam Young, be careful."

"Madam Young, walk slowly, be careful of your stomach."

"Madam Young can't go out, Mr. said you can't leave Lu Yuan, Madam Young, Madam Young..."

Regardless of these people's obstructions, Xia Weibao got into the car violently, looking gloomy, "Drive!"

The driver's eldest brother expressed great pressure.

If this car is driven, it is estimated that the husband will cut him when he comes back!

But don't open it, the anger behind him can scorch him, and he can't stand it.

What to do, want to cry.

"Driving, I will take care of things!" Xia Weibao's voice was very cold.

The driver's eldest brother was sweating, thinking of Xia Weibao and Lu Hualiang's family status, and drove away decisively and earnestly.

The husband is angry, the young lady can suppress it, the young wife is angry, the husband can't suppress it.

Uncle Fu couldn't dissuade him. Zhong Wanshu and Yan Lingyi happened to be away from home. He was so anxious that he quickly called Lu Hualiang.

When Sanji and Nan Yi heard the news, Xia Weibao had already left when they hurried over.

In the car, Xia Weibao checked where Han Luoqi was and asked the driver to go directly to the set, she was going to kill him!

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