Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1942: Han Actor is Tragedy 1

Anyway, no one can recognize him as a good thing now.

From this point of view, I am still very grateful to Xia Weibao for being ruthless.

Seeing that the plane was about to take off in five minutes, Zhuang Xuejun was desperate and could only change the flight.

Just as she was wondering why her credentials would go wrong, she saw Han Luoqi rushing over.

Now, you don't need to ask to know the reason.

It's not that there was a problem with her credentials, but someone moved their hands and feet.

It has long been known that the Han family is a top wealthy family, and its influence cannot be underestimated. She did not expect that she still underestimated the Han family.

The hand can stretch so long.

The moment Han Luoqi saw her, Han Luoqi's original worried expression was like a bright light passing by.

Strode to her side, holding her shoulder excitedly, "Where do you want to go!"

"Go abroad." Zhuang Xuejun was very calm.

Since he was able to jam her to board the plane, he naturally found it.

Han Luoqi's expression changed, "Why did you want to go abroad, do you hate me for not being responsible for you? Xuejun, I was wrong, I was sorry for you before, I apologize, we get married, you don't want to go, OK."

Zhuang Xuejun's eyes were slightly startled, and he was surprised to say that he was married.

After the shock, he returned to calm, "It's none of your business, I have decided to go abroad before."

"You are pregnant with my child, where else do you want to go!" Han Luoqi growled violently.

He lingered at the thought of her almost leaving.

"Didn’t we have made it clear about the child, this is my child, and it has nothing to do with you."

"I am a child's father, how can it have nothing to do with me!"

Zhuang Xuejun's face changed, "Do you want to regret it?"

Before Han Luoqi spoke, there was a loud noise behind him, and then three people hurried in.

This is a single lounge. Originally, there was only Zhuang Xuejun alone, so it didn't feel too narrow.

Now that there are so many more at once, it seems a bit crowded.

Zhuang Xuejun had to take a step back and walk some inside.

As soon as Mother Han saw Zhuang Xuejun, she walked over and held her hand with a big smile, "Is this Xuejun, the real person is even more beautiful than on TV."

While talking, she glanced at her belly. It was only three months old, and at the beginning, she was pregnant, wearing loose Korean clothes, and she couldn't tell at all.

However, Han Mu was still smiling.

With the flesh and blood of their Han family, it would be even more beautiful.

Father Han has no expression, but he can tell that he is happy from the occasional head nod.

Han Ziqi looked at Zhuang Xuejun very seriously, and had to say that his younger brother was quite discerning.

He is busy with work on weekdays, and he often flies in the sky. He rarely pays attention to the entertainment industry. He really hasn't paid attention to Zhuang Xuejun, a star who has already retired.

Now it seems that she looks good and has a good temperament, unlike a woman from a place like the entertainment industry.

Zhuang Xuejun was uncomfortable with these three people, especially Han Mu's enthusiasm, which made her overwhelmed.

The most important thing is that she doesn't know who these three are.

"Auntie, are you..."

Only then did Han's mother react, she hasn't introduced herself yet.

"Hello, Jun Xue, I am Luo Qi's mother. We met for the first time. Some people came in a hurry and didn't prepare gifts for you. You accept this."

While speaking, he followed the hands held by the two and pushed a jade bracelet on her wrist onto Zhuang Xuejun's wrist.

This jade bracelet is turquoise, transparent and pure. It looks like a good jade at a high price.

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