Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1949: Living together 3

"When you fall in love, you just want to fall in love. It's the most basic thing to have a picture of your girlfriend in your house. I swear that I am the owner."

Zhuang Xuejun lowered her head. At the beginning, she had a coping attitude. There was no trace of him in the house except for a cup.

Oh no, there is also a pair of men's slippers, or he brought them from home...

There are no men's slippers there.

He sent her home at night and insisted to sit in her room, but she refused on the grounds that there were no men's slippers.

As a result, early the next morning, this guy held a pair of men's slippers and rang her doorbell, saying that he would put the slippers here first, and next time he wanted to come over, there was no reason to refuse.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Xuejun looked down at the pink wool slippers on his feet, a little embarrassed.

He bought her slippers, and he brought his own slippers.

"I think we should take some double photos, it looks like two people's home." Han Luoqi said with a smile.

"No trouble, just live for three months." Zhuang Xuejun emphasized.

Remind him not to forget the deadline.

Han Luoqi shrugged, "Sit down for a while, I'll clean up the room for you, and cook for you later."

Zhuang Xuejun watched him up to the second floor and opened one of the doors to enter. She drew her gaze indifferently and drank milk.

When Han Luoqi was changing the sheets, he received a call from Mrs. Han, his eyelids twitched and he felt a little guilty.

"Hello, Mom."

"Son, have you finished getting the certificate? Bring Xuejun back for dinner tonight, and when will you move back? Xuejun is pregnant with a child and is inconvenience. You will not take care of other people who are usually busy. You must not take care of her. .

Let her go back to live with Han's house, and she will take care of her. "

Han Luoqi was a little embarrassed, "Mom, we didn't get the certificate."

"Ah? Why?"

"She...reluctant. I was too anxious at the airport just now and didn't ask her opinion."

"Why not? Son, did you bully the little girl."


"Tsk, what did you do, a big man actually bullied a woman, do you think Xue Jun is an orphan and helpless, you bully her at will?"

Han Luoqi scratched his head, "I don't have any, it's... we have a conflict, and we ignored her opinion at the airport just now, and are arguing with me.

He refused to receive the certificate and went home directly.

Mom, wait until I coax her down. "

Madam Han also reacted. When they were at the airport, it seemed that they hadn't asked Zhuang Xuejun's opinion, and directly decided the matter.

Thinking about it now, it is indeed disrespectful.

"Then you coax, say more, and wait until she calms down.

Son, you have to work harder, don’t wait for my grandchildren to be born, you haven’t received your marriage certificate yet. "

Han Luoqi laughed. Will he be so useless? Wait until the child is born and can't fix a woman.

"Okay, mom, I have a sense of measure. By the way, I don’t care about it in front of me. Don’t just open your mouth and shut up in front of Xue Jun and just leave your grandson. This will put pressure on Xue Jun and make people feel that our family is patriarchal. I'm afraid she will feel uncomfortable."

Generally women don't like the patriarchal family of her husband?

He hadn't thought of this just now, and he didn't know if she had a pimple in her heart.

"It would be better if she can give birth to a granddaughter. I don't have a daughter. It's better to have a granddaughter. By the way, where do you live now, do you live together?"

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