Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1954: King Han is jealous 1

When Zhuang Xuejun finished talking on the phone, took the egg out of the pot, and turned around with the dinner plate, he saw Han Luoqi standing behind him with a green face.

Those eyes seemed to be looking at Hong Xing's wife who was out of the wall.

Zhuang Xuejun was inexplicably cold, "Look... what do you see?"

Han Luoqi was gloomy for two seconds, smiled swiftly, and walked over to take the dinner plate in her hand.

"How to do this?"

"Woke up, a little hungry, so I got up to make breakfast."

"Why don't you ask me to get up and do it?"

"No, it's rare for you to take a vacation. Take more rest. It's not a heavy job. I can do it myself."

Han Luoqi was a little guilty, and really shouldn't sleep that way.

"What else hasn't been done? Let me do it."

"It's all done, have you washed your face."

"Yeah." Han Luoqi replied, helping her sit down.

On a very warm and homely morning, he was a little absent-minded.

I secretly vowed to set an alarm no matter whether I have work or not.

Han Luoqi chewed wax with the same taste, and kept looking at Zhuang Xuejun.

She was very quiet when she ate, and she was as gentle as usual, but she smiled a little more than usual.

It can be seen that she is in a good mood.

Han Luoqi took a bite of toast. She was thinking about what she smiled so softly, was she thinking about the man who just talked on the phone.

I'm pregnant with his child, and have **** with other men. Are you conscious of it!

I was upset, looked very cruel when eating, and deliberately made noise.

It happened that he deliberately made a loud voice, and Zhuang Xuejun still didn't notice his strangeness.

The anger in the heart of the Han Da movie emperor, with a bang, the milk cup on hand was "accidentally" pushed to the ground by him.

The milk splashed all over the floor.

Such a big movement finally attracted the attention of a certain woman.

She raised her head, but gave Han Luoqi a faint look, "I'm going to clean it up."

Han Luoqi, "..."

Seeing that Zhuang Xuejun had stood up, he quickly stood up, "What do you do, you are not a babysitter when you come to my house. Which of these things is your turn to do, sit down quickly."

Sit down according to her body, resignedly go to get tools, and mop the floor clean.

Then I sat down.

Zhuang Xuejun has been watching quietly, and only now does he cautiously ask, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, it's just slippery." Han Luoqi waved his hand, indifferent.

Zhuang Xuejun pursed his lips and said nothing.

In the end, Han Luoqi couldn't hold it any longer, put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, and asked, "Are you going out today?"

For fear that she said he was eavesdropping, she added, "I just overheard you want to go out."

"Yes, a friend returned home today, I will pick up the plane."

"Oh, really, what friend."

He deliberately pretended to be chatting, looking casual.

"It's a senior in college."

"Why do you want you to pick up the plane when the senior comes back, you are very familiar?"

"Yes, he took me when the freshman checked in during the freshman year."

National Art University has an unwritten rule. For those freshmen who have already made their debut, because they often need to film, they are afraid that they will not be able to keep up with their studies, so they will arrange a senior or senior sister to take one-on-one tutoring.

Zhuang Xuejun was born as a child star. He had already signed a contract with a brokerage company when he was a child, so he would naturally arrange for someone to take him.

"If I remember correctly, you graduated from National Art University, right?" Han Luoqi asked.

"Yes, a student of the 25th National Art Circle."

Han Luoqi raised the corner of his eyes, "The 25th? What a coincidence, I am from the 24th National Arts."

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