Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 196: Niangniang hold on, don't lose your backbone!

Xia Weibao, "..."

He must want to **** her off, so as to inherit her snacks!

Thinking of snacks, the Queen Empress felt even more chill.

I don't know if the two big bags of specialty products have been eaten.

Watching Lu Hualiang into the master bedroom eagerly, Xia Weibao couldn't help but follow.

"President Lu."

Lu Hualiang, who had just walked to the door, heard her scream, and the corners of his mouth were almost invisible.


Xia Weibao scratched his head, "It's only eleven o'clock now..."

"Huh, then?"

"Play another game."

She grinned, all to please.

It's three consecutive championships just one game away. I'm so excited to think about it. How can I give up now!

Seeing her bright expression, Lu Hualiang wanted to laugh, but held back.

"It's not impossible to play another round..."

Xia Weibao immediately opened his eyes and smiled, but froze in the next second.

Lu Hua said slowly, "Tomorrow."

Then, he closed the door with a slam.

Xia Weibao, who was blocked by the door again, "..."

He must want to **** her off, so that he can monopolize the snacks in the room!

Go back to the room angrily, don't play, don't play, who is rare!

You can win by yourself in this palace!

After logging into the game, I found that Lu Hualiang is also online! ! !

The anger in the empress's body was burning, didn't he mean to sleep, he actually went online secretly!

And it's already started!

She had just returned to the room and he had already started playing. What does this mean?

It shows that he is not sleeping at all, and does not want to play with her!

Thinking of this, the empress empress was even more angry.

He ran to the door of the master bedroom with an anger and slapped the door hard.

"Lu Hualiang, open the door for me!"

She was **** off by playing games secretly without taking her!

In the room, Lu Hualiang listened to the angry slap on the door, and the corner of his mouth slowly moved.

Take out a packet of her favorite snacks and slowly tear it open.

Xia Weibao took a picture for a long time, but no one came to open the door and was very angry.

Everything is easy to discuss, only games and snacks are inviolable!

So the furious empress empress kicked the door with a kick!

Kick it away with a bang.

Uncle Fu was about to go back to sleep when he heard the door kicking upstairs, his eyes twitched fiercely.

Mrs. Young has demolished the house again, alas, I will find someone to repair the door tomorrow.

Upstairs, after Xia Weibao kicked the door open, he saw Lu Hualiang lying on the bed with his back leaning on two pillows.

Play the game very comfortably, and there is a pack of open snacks next to it.

It looks so delicious.

Xia Weibao swallowed, really wanting to ask him the main points...

Then he awoke suddenly and shook his head, no way!

Be strong!

She is here to find someone to settle the bill, not to beg for food!

So he straightened his face and complained against Lu Hualiang in anger.

"Didn't you say you want to sleep when you are tired?"

Lu Hualiang's eyes were smiling, but his face was calm, turning a blind eye to her rude movements.

"You didn't see me already lying in bed?"

"But you are still playing games."

"Who said you can't play games before going to bed? I'm just tired and don't want to sit, but I didn't say I don't want to lie down."

Xia Weibao, "..."

What he said made sense, but she was speechless.

His eyes fell faintly on the tempting-looking pie next to him, "What are you eating."

Lu Hualiang smiled more deeply, "A special product brought back by a friend."

Xia Weibao grunted and swallowed, then waited for his next words.

In this case, most people will politely ask if you want it.

Whenever he asked, she immediately said yes.

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